
Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

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Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

Whenever I'm browsing a blog or forum, even facebook, I always see something where a person is telling everyone what they've done and how they did it to make $XX,XXX a month. Normally these types of posts are just to bring in people to comment and eventually sign up for a service that the original poster is now selling lol. But there are the rare few occasions that the marketer posting this success story is genuinely new and doesn't know what he or she is doing. Plenty of times there have been actual newbie marketers hitting gold their first time out and they think that's how it always is and they are now jaded, which is sad sometimes because they could lose it all overnight.

Newbie marketers hitting gold their first time out
Every once is a while a newbie has a good idea that fills a gap in the market and makes a nice amount of income. The sad part is that the newbie doesn't know much about online etiquette and they come to brag about their day to day profits but unknowingly give away their niche, keywords and domain name letting more experienced marketers put up a website over night and replicate the newbies method to make money.

I absolutely love it when someone has been working online for a few months and finally starts making money. It's like watching a kid take it's first steps and watching the smile on their face Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money But then a bigger kid comes in, who can already walk, and pushes the first kid to the floor while taking any candy he has in his possession. It happens all the time and if I could stop it I would, but there's almost no way to do this unless we spread the word about not sharing your domain name, niche and keywords Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

Experienced marketers sometimes will ask what the users niche is, but not often because it's frowned upon. You're never suppose to ask someone their niche and keywords because it's a shady way to take that persons money right out of their pocket and it's frowned upon. There are not rules saying you shouldn't do it, but it's well known that you shouldn't. This however does not stop the other newbies asking what their keywords are and the original poster sometimes shares their entire method along with their domain name. When this happens it gives your entire SEO campaign away as well since people can reverse engineer your entire process and expand on it in order to outrank you in the SERPs Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

These newbie marketers think they're coming to share their success to let people know it's possible and end up being in a flooded market due to the amount of competition that is created overnight due to their generosity Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money This is why I always tell people that if they are successful and want to share that they should never give away their niche, keywords or domain. If they give away their domain then then their niche and keywords are exposed, the same goes for giving away your niche and keywords. It's slightly more difficult to figure out an exact topic if you give away your general niche like "Electronics" but people are persistent and will keep hammering you with questions until you slip up Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

Newbie marketers sharing with friends
Whenever a person who works online hits gold and shares with their friends, their friends usually don't know what the hell they're talking about lol. I've had plenty of conversations with friends trying to tell them what I do online and they look at me like I'm speaking a different language Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money Over the years I've broken it down to a few simple sentences and this is what I say...

I work online building websites and making them profitable. I can do anything from registering the domain name to building the website and eventually pulling in traffic in order to make sales

This is usually enough to please who I'm talking to, but a newbie marketer doesn't have anyone to tell usually and they come to the public to post. I would love it if I could just tell them to talk to their cats or dogs and leave it at that, but I can't for obvious reasons Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

They don't fully understand how they did it
Newbie marketers sometimes don't even know how they hit gold, they just took a chance and were showered in riches. The person in this position usually has an idea of what they did, but they don't know everything exactly since they aren't a seasoned veteran when it comes to online sales. I've actually had people come to me who are making money every day and they aren't exactly sure what they did. They share all their information with me and I tell them what I think, without duplicating their system for myself because I'm one of the decent people you'll rarely see online lol. Sometimes I tell them it's an insane system and I'm not sure how they did this on their first try while other times the set up looks really basic but makes a good profit. For the basic set ups I'll try to expand on them and show the user what they can do to automate and streamline anything possible in order to free up some hours during the day to reinvest in other parts of their business, and they're usually super happy Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

They're at a higher risk of losing everything
Since this is the first time the newbie has made any money online, they will think it's a common thing and start spending freely. I wish I could just sit them down and tell them "Save all of your damn money! It won't last forever and you'll need money to reinvest" but usually these people are already buying cars and putting a down payment on a house Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

Fast forward to the next major Google algorithm update and these people are now crying because they can't afford anything due to their websites being tanked. Their profits are gone and now they're panicing to make more money to just cover their bills. If they would have just saved everything they could have had more eggs in different baskets and that means more revenue streams Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money

In Conclusion
I think that it's an amazing thing when a newbie marketer hits it big. I wish them the world but they sometimes just see a ferrari in their driveway while they drink champagne, but it doesn't always end like that. If you're a newbie marketer making $150 a day, you need to reinvest it into new websites and try to create multiple revenue streams just in case your main one tanks.

Remember to follow me Online marketing success stories - 1st time newbies make money




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Oh, I remember when I start my first blog, my idea was great, I had a plan of what I was going to post there and I already started to get some traction. Now that I think of how much traffic I had, well, it was a lot actually! The real problem was I started to brag on a forum about my new project and how much traffic I was getting. An older guy there seen my idea copied it, started his own stuff, made fun of me with a few nasty comments and actually made me delete my blog.

I was only a kid and I have no regrets, but I learned an important lesson: Don't give up your plan to anybody, especially online.

As far as explaining to my friends what the hell I am doing online and how I earn money. I just tell them I'm a web designer, even though I'm totally not, but they understand the concept and it is easy enough.

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One success story that I want to share is a blogger named Mocha. She is actually a singer with her own band named after her. It’s an all girls band that got popular somehow. And when it disbanded, Mocha turned to blogging. Obviously, Mocha is a newbie and not an accomplished writer. But she was writing about controversial issues and also had some fake news. Maybe that fake news and controversies made her blogs popular. Now she is assistant secretary to the information department of our government. But her blogging continues.

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I earned my first online income when I started my events blogging career. It was just for fun at first since I love attending events and writing about it. Then I was surprised when a bar owner message me and offered me cash to promote the opening of their bar in Facebook and this was followed by other kinds of work like promotions, recruitment and selling things online and that's how I earned during my first year working online.

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Lol! Loving this.This is so true. As a newbie once you make your first dollars you start to see money everywhere. You start to think that you have hit the jackpot.I agree that when you start to make money you should automatically think about how you are going to reinvest that money so that you can make a passive income from it, in case you hit a rough patch in terms of income.

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