
Same buyer ordered service and asked for cancellation again

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Same buyer ordered service and asked for cancellation again

The same buyer ordered the same service several times and cancelled quickly without explanation. What was the point of that?


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Because The order was never delivered. Is it to much to ask of the seller to check to make sure that the order was delivered?

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The buyer may not understand exactly how to game the system yet lol Same buyer ordered service and asked for cancellation again He probably ordered thinking that the money went right into the Ionicware bank account and after everything was done he would get a free service while you didn't get paid. He probably doesn't know that the money goes into escrow and that you can actually track your own orders to see if they get cancelled or not.

If this guy orders again just reject it and go on with your day.

I would also bring this up to a staff member on the support desk to ensure they look into it. If it's happening multiple times then it's not a fluke or a coincidence, he's actually trying to rip you off and I'm sure he's doing it with other people too.

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Most probably he originally intended to order only once, but there could have been a glitch while the order was being processed and so it came out repeatedly. This happened to one of my buyers just yesterday. He contacted me about it and we cancelled them as it was not done intentionally. He meant to order only one.

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It is quite unsolved problem, i suggest you to contact support team and provide all evidence to solve your problem well

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