
Do you homeschool your children? Are you thinking about it?

Do you homeschool your children? Are you thinking about it?

Are you a stay at home mom? Have you thought about homeschooling your children?

If you have, let me tell you, it was the best decision my wife and I have ever made. For my wife to be able to stay home with our children has been a blessing and even more so that she can teach them at home! My wife started homeschooling my oldest at 3 years old, and she is now ready to start kindergarten at home!

My wife likes to use a lot of the printable worksheets ABC mouse provides. She prints out letters, numbers, cutting practice pages and even coloring pages and also does a lot of hands on projects!

She does a lot of her research for the curriculum she uses online and is part of many homeschooling educational websites, that help guide her!

Our daughter loves to be taught at home and with all these ridiculous tragedies happening all over the world, there is no place I would rather my children be than safe at home!

If you have any questions, feel free to post them!

Hi jkeyz2 yep thanks for sharing nice topic. I have a child also but still he is not in such age to read something. Because, he is now only 19 month. But, still I am thinking about how I teach him and what process I need to follow? Though, I something depend on his mom. And I am sure his mom may manage the way of teaching. Because, she is well educated. I am not thinking such way as homeschooled. But I feel all of family taking role as first school for each children and his/her parents is the first and best teacher.

If you have any advice welcome to be included

Regards by Ajlancer

My wife started teaching our oldest daughter at 2 years old with flash cards and pictures! She knew how to say the whole alphabet, she knew her colors and shapes all by age 3!
Your little one doesn't have to be able to read in order to teach him, just use pictures or flash cards and repetition, he will catch on and be the smartest little guy!!

NO! I would never, not unless my hubby was home too and we could take turns dealing with the kids. As it is now I have maybe 3-4 hours in the morning to work while my two children are in play school. My hubby often leaves before we wake up and gets home late. I do almost all the parenting, housework, errands, you name it and I do it. I am not moaning, because I could put my kids in full time day care and get more done but I like having this time with my kids.

I would never manage with my kids home all day and me schooling them. That said if hubby was home all day and didn't work outside the home, then yes I would consider it.

Wow Beverly, I never looked at it from that kind of perspective. I do agree with the fact that home schooled children do have some sort of advantage because they can go out with their parent or parents and visit the zoo or other educational places at any time during the day. My daughters are really outspoken and love talking with all kinds of people, so I don't think I will ever have any issues with socialization. I mean don't get me wrong, some homeschooled children do develop social anxieties and other things but I believe that is because their parents weren't keeping up with their part!

Home schooling is interesting and it has its benefits. However I think that children who are tutored at home have a big disadvantage - that of not being able to mingle with other kids and learn more social skills.

I totally understand what your saying, and we thought the same thing too. But my wife is good about making sure she goes to the park and other programs to make sure she is socially deveolping. We also have church meetings 2 times a week and gets to interact with all different aged kids!

You as the parent though, have to make sure your child is well developed socially and you have to do your part in encouraging that!!

There's a common misconception that home-schooled children are shut-ins or somehow deprived of human contact for fear of the outside world when in reality it's the opposite. A home schooled child can go out during the middle of the day with a parent to a park or on a nature walk, zoo, local homeschool event or any place really and learn things in the world rather than sitting in a classroom all day. The kids in the classroom aren't really having a chance to socialize in the way you are imagining. When i was in school, kids were not encouraged to mingle and have fun with others during classes or learning time, it was more about sitting in a desk and looking at the teacher while she talked or studying from a book, rather than chatting/socializing with friends. And, the only time we could talk was at recess or lunch time and not even at recess as those events were always organized.

Just saying, there are other sides to homeschooling you might not be seeing.

One very good benefit to homeschooling, as a home school parent can sit with the child and listen and answer their questions in a way a teacher with 26 other kids to babysit can't. You can have that personalized tutoring that a public school teacher can't provide. If you still think there are down-sides, at least consider the positive.

I never thought of this plan, but I think this is worth doing not minding what the kids must have learnt in school for this is going to give them the right mindset to fully understand many concepts in different subjects that there are being taught in school. However, one needs to set the environment in a way that the kids should be willing to learn as well.

I always wondered about this type of education but sadly this is not a norm in where I live. So what I do is just be a support educator/tutor to my son who is now in 4th grade. There are joys to homeschooling and the one on one teaching is the best way of learning. But sadly my government does not support this type of learning that they will recognize. Good for you that you were able to manage al your time in your family.

Pardon me for this comment but I am against homeschooling. I understand that point of the parents who are homeschooling their children. Learning is much faster and I agree to that because on a rough estimate, the lessons for one school year can be compressed in 4 to 6 months at the most when homeschooling the child. However, the student is missing a lot in terms of social learning. He is confined at home and no classmates while in the traditional school, he can learn a lot not only of the social graces but in the proper interaction with people. It seems to me that a child that is home schooled is like a hermit.

Nope, I want my children to be on a regular class with classmates, teachers and all. I think it's very important for a child to experience friendship and interaction with other children and to listen and learn from teachers. These are all experiences that would shape a child's future.

I think that every parent has anxiety about their child. However sometimes its not advisable to allow that anxiety to take over your life and our children's life's. Its also good to let your kids socialize. I work from home and I know how tempting it is to stay at home and to be anti-social. But I think that socializing is good for your children. So for me home schooling is a big no for me. I think you need to expose your children to the outside world.