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Page load time

On an average site, how long does it take for a page to load? Is your page load instant, such as you can't actually see when the page changes or do pages load slow? And, what are some things you can do to improve page load times as a site user or site owner?


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Host your photos and videos off site, not on the same server as you have your site. And, in this way the page load time will be less.

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Make sure you don't have too many plug ins operating on a page or site as this will cause lag as the plug in starts to work. This can be especially true for a blog commenting system.

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having too many images or videos might make your site slow. IN order to curb this problem, you will have to limit image/video usages. If your website is an image based website, photography website for instance, then use image optimization plugins. This plugin will compress your images and help the site load faster.
Slow loading site has an adverse effect in terms of SEO. Google downranks slow loading site.

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