
Facebook ads are way too targeted

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Facebook ads are way too targeted

From the marketer's point of view this could be a very good thing as they can always be assured their ad will be shown to people who might be interested. But, maybe for some users, it could be a little disconcerting how Facebook is tracking user activity on and off site to determine the best ads to show. Facebook is as intrusive as Google in this way.

My one big complaint about the overly targeted Facebook ads is how many times they will show me ads to sites that I'm already a member of or have used recently. So, I'm not really the ideal target audience as I've used that site and not ready to use again so soon. Also, there is the invasion of privacy issue, which might concern others too, being spied on in such a way.


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I too have noticed this. Drives me crazy to be exact. I hate it how I will look something up and then the next day I visit FB there is an ad for it. It is like Hello already checked that out.

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