
Can Facebook be your primary promotion method?

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Can Facebook be your primary promotion method?

Let's say you are not very good at SEO or are competing in a very popular niche. Is it possible to use Facebook or Pinterest or other social networking sites to make your site stand out and become more popular with visitors even without the help of SEO?


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Yes, you can use a combination of social sites to succeed but Facebook alone will bring few conversions

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Yes, you can use a combination of social sites to succeed but Facebook alone will bring few conversions

What about for sites that have been banned from Google and can't rank highly? Is there no way to only use social marketing to bring visitors to a site?

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Facebook can be a great tool to use for promotions if you use it correctly. And it certainly can not hurt anything.

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I personally use over 20 social networks for my marketing campaigns and for brand recognition. Why limit your self to Facebook users only?

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For me, Facebook is the most potent way of promotinganything. Maybe half of my Facebook friends are active that they check on their account every day and maybe about half of those active not only post but also respond to my posts. If you have something to promote, I guess your active friends would react favorably to your post provided you are not spamming, i.e. posting too frequently about your business. Using other networking sites is also okay as long as you have a lot of followers there.

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Definitely, since Facebook has more than a billion active users. Using it to market my products and services could be very successful. I've been using Facebook a lot for years now as my marketing platform and it does the trick. That's why most businesses today are also doing their marketing in Facebook.

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