
Possible Way To Better Deal With Negative Feedback

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Possible Way To Better Deal With Negative Feedback

I hope all is well!

This should probably go in the Suggestion section perhaps, but... It could go in here too...

Since there seems to be a fair amount of unnecessary feedback. Could there be some interest in having a constructive criticism area? When the buyer/seller are placing in their comments, could they have an area where they could put in feedback without the general public viewing it? It would at least give the two of them chance to settle it between themselves without have their reputation being brought down by the negativity...


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Makes you smile, doesn't it?*


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Ideally, the buyer will take the opportunity to provide construction criticism and feedback as the sale is being completed. As a seller, I find it very useful when a buyer tells me specifically what they need done on their site. This gives me direction and guidelines to follow so later there is no misunderstanding. And, this is usually done on the actual order. I don't understand why more buyers aren't simply commenting to the seller in private, either on the order or in private message. Most of my sellers have no problem giving me guidance and feedback as needed.

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I prefer to have constructive criticism, and I actually enjoy receiving feedback from others (even in my career), as it allows me to have the opportunity to expand on my performance. It would be difficult to do that if the buyer/client wasn't forthcoming of the issues they had.

I haven't had any issues yet. I had my first buyer yesterday (seocheckout) and I've only had 3 small issues outside of here, which we were able to work it out as a team.

*Close your eyes and think of the happiest moment of your life.
Makes you smile, doesn't it?*

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Any type of feedback that helps you know how to do your job better, whether here or in your own private freelance career would be a good thing. If the buyer would take time to provide a good critique it could be very beneficial, not just for future work done for that specific client but when helping you know how to help other buyers.

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So long as the buyer or customer is not rude about the way they present feedback or critique, then I don't mind listening. I am more than willing to work with a customer as to how they want the job done.

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