
Time management tips for Seocheckout members

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Time management tips for Seocheckout members

Please offer your best time management tips for being more productive and getting more work done with Seocheckout gigs.

Please take a moment to provide your feedback.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • How do you keep track of the time you are spending on the work? For instance, do you write this down in a daily work journal? Do you have a timer or clock that keeps track of your work time?

  • Do you work specified hours every day on your Seocheckout gigs (such as 4pm to 6pm, etc)?

  • What is your method for being most productive when completing a gig?


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Woah, I never even thought of a 'daily work journal'. Good one, Beverly! xD

Generally, I just like to get things done. I see it this way.. I hate waiting for things, I'm impatient and I try my absolute hardest to get things done - so I don't like letting people wait. Generally, I have about 50 things a day to do.. and I try and try to meet my deadlines. Sometimes I don't, sometimes I do with extra time left over.. so I may need to start having a schedule.

How do you organize your time?

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If you had a lot of work then a daily work journal would be an excellent idea. I like this idea and feel that it would be a wonderful tool to have.

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Every morning I participate in the Seocheckout discussion and also check the job section to see whether there are appropriate jobs for me or not. I always try to reply to the people who reply to my posts. I also reply to the messages. If someone asks about my gig, I try to be as clear as possible. If someone buys my gig, I immediately begin to work on that gig. I check notifications throughout the day so that I don't miss anything. I spend about 2 hours on the site every day. When I am not working here, I am on my blogs or working for the clients from other marketplaces.

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