
First forum software you used

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First forum software you used

My first starter forum was one of those free forums, most likely phpBB. Not a bad software, though they didn't give full admin access. Since then, I've used myBB and Xenforo and currently SMF.


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I used a demo version of Xenforo first and liked it so much that I made the purchase. It's a lot of money for a new forum but well worth the investment if you plan to become a serious forum owner and earn money.

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I used MyBB for awhile on my first forum as that was the software which Softaculous would let me install on my forum host.

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I tried MyBB, SMF and a few other forum software to see which ones I liked using, then upgraded to Xenforo. I didn't really stay with the free forum software long enough to say which one I like most.

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The first forum software I used was MyBB. I used this software because it was open source and also one of the most used forum scripts. Then I switched to PhBB. I used this software for the same reason that I used MyBB. When I found MyBB and PhBBdifficult to use I began using SMF. I have never used premium scripts

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