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Swearing on a forum

Do you allow or tolerate swearing? If so, how much and from which members?


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Just depends on the age range on the forum. Most forums are for 13+ and tolerate some swearing but not trolling or bad mouthing, such as name calling.

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A business or webmaster related forum might not allow excessive swearing. Though I'm sure the occasional swear word is acceptable.

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On a professional forum, there's really no place for obscenities. But it's possible you could designate a subforum for general chat to allow members to run free and say what they want.

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No I do not care much for it at all and it is not really called for in any case.

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I would not tolerate it as there is no real need for it on any site.

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I would not tolerate it as it does nothing for me.

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Angie I think that some think that they are big and bad when they swear, no not really... you only sound like a fool.

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Angie I think that some think that they are big and bad when they swear, no not really... you only sound like a fool.

Yep that is exactly how I feel Ralph Swearing on a forum

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On a professional forum, there's really no place for obscenities. But it's possible you could designate a subforum for general chat to allow members to run free and say what they want.

Maybe it could be the private members only subforum which is not open for guests or new members. Or, maybe a chat room where language rules are relaxed.

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Maybe it could be the private members only subforum which is not open for guests or new members. Or, maybe a chat room where language rules are relaxed.
That might not be so bad, where the rules are a bit more relaxed. But being vulgar is not acceptable at any point.

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