
Will late delivery effect me?

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Will late delivery effect me?

If i delivered late for some reason will that effect myn services in seocheckout? Will it effect ranking? any experience?


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As much i know it will NOT affect your level and it wont downgrade you. But you may get unsatisfied customers who would not return to buy again from you. In some cases you may get negative feedback too. So try to do your work on time or if need increase time to deliver your service in service editing page

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Hello sanfora,
Late deliveries might ultimately lead to increased response time. You can find more information regarding response time here: "How To Decrease Response Time?"

Besides that, it might also be a reason for any buyer to give you a negative feedback, which you obviously should avoid at all costs, as this might affect your future business. You can find more information regarding negative feedbacks here: "How To Deal With Negative Feedback?"

If you're running out of time, and you won't be able to deliver in time, there's a few things you should or could do. First of all, you could ask your client for extra time, which would be a mutual agreement. Another thing you could do, is to contact your client telling them about your issues and tell them that you will deliver whatever they've ordered as soon as you possible can. Professionalism goes a long way and you should never fear to contact your clients. However, if you are starting to notice that you fail to deliver in time more and more frequently then I'd suggest that you increase the time of your deliveries.

With all this being said, you could potentially lose recurring customers if you fail to deliver in time and you can also lose new potential clients if you've got lots of negative feedbacks regarding your delivery time.

Best Regards,

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Hi late delivery may worse experience for your buyer with you. In front you will not see any effect on your profile but for your reputation it may effect very much for further sale from same buyer. If you used to deliver late order, you may lose return buyer which really awful for business grow. Your profile will not affect as your level consideration and positive rating consideration but if you deliver late order, without discussion with your buyer, you have huge change to get negative feedback. And your response time may high. Beside if buyer complaint to support staff, you may lost order and beside you have chance to get infraction. So, I suggest to you get more time from your buyer to request extra time.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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As much as possible avoid delivering past the deadline as even though you will still get paid and there will be no effect on your rating, you are running the risk of lowering your reputation and ending up with a dissatisfied buyer who won't be that willing to order again. If something crops up which will probably lead you to go past the deadline there is the option of requesting for an extension of the deadline. This request allows you to insert the extra number of days you need to complete the order, and it needs to be substantiated with a reason. Then the buyer needs to approve it.

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