
Keyword Analysis - Domain niche Research - Backlinks - Traffic - Submit Businesses To Listings for $149

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Keyword Analysis - Domain niche Research - Backlinks - Traffic - Submit Businesses To Listings

Use a keyword analysis tool like Ultimate Niche Finder to create excel reports for buyers showing keyword competition. You can also use Google’s Keyword Planner tool.

Create a gig where you will do domain research for a company and create a report showing which domains are available for their brand/niche that would work best. I like to use Who.Is.

Perform niche research or supply buyers with a niche that has a good average monthly search on Google and a high CPM for advertisers, meaning it’s a great niche to build a website for and place Adsense ads on. Ultimate Niche Finder is a great tool for this.

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A lot of small and local businesses don’t have listings on websites like Yellow Pages and Google Places. Create them for them for $10.




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2 websites 3 days $259
3 websites 3 days $300
4 websites 3 days $389

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$149 - In stock