
Ongoing Keyword Research

Ongoing Keyword Research

Every month, we create between 2-8 new Adwords campaigns. We're looking for help identifying the keywords for these campaigns. Each new campaign involves following identifying 100 keywords. These keywords have to be selected using the precise parameters we provide and presented in the format we request. It takes me approximately 20 minutes to follow these parameters and obtain a set of 100 keywords for each of these companies, using only the Google Keyword Planner. Consequently, we are willing to pay $15 per new campaign. That is, $15 per set of 100 keywords.

If you are interested in this position, we will start with just one campaign – to see how well you do with the task. Please do not bid higher then $15 as this is a test project. If we are satisfied with your work, again, we will be requesting between 4-8 campaigns per month usually as one project, at $15 per campaign ($30 - $120 per month)


Task: Identify 100 keywords
Do not do any competitor analysis.
Please ask with any questions.
I will give you URL, keyword seeds, locations and negative keyword one bid has been accepted.

Here’s what you will need to do:
Please create an excel file with 3 tabs:
Tab 1: Exact Match
4-8 kws
kws are a variation of the company name i.e. [llamas tree]. These should all be "exact match" meaning they have brackets around them.
Tab 2: Modified Broad Match
Total: 92-96 kws
All of the rest of the kws should be modified broad match, which means they have a + sign before every word, for example +synthetic +turf

Include columns with Avg monthly searches, competition and estimated CPC.

About 3-5 of these broad match kws should include the term +diamond +certified along with an industry specific term, for example +diamond +certified +artificial +grass. Do not include diamond certified by itself.

Most of these should be long-tail.

No keywords with an estimated cost of over $22 per click.

No keywords using terms in the "negative keyword" list at the bottom of this document. Please also use your best judgment to select kws that actually make sense for this company.

About 10 kws should involve these kws ( do not worry that these will show as having 0 searches)

The rest of the kws (about 60-70) should be general.

Tab 3: Recommended Keywords
Select 20 kws from the Tab 2 GENERAL list that YOU think are the best, considering high search volume, competition and cost.
Also, please tell me the country you are located in as a way to demonstrate that you have fully read these instructions. Sorry to be a pendant, but I’m finding that most bidders don’t.

Skills Required

Keyword Research


have a wonderful day.

i shall do the keyword research as per your instruction with 3 column based and i shall provide you all total 100 keywords but you will provide me google adwords upgrade account so that i can do tbe work regular.


yes, i am here to provide you the service in a reasonable time with your satisfaction.

keywords research as specified, with excel report

send us more details about keywords, if possible to start with

dear sir, i have many years experience this work. so you can hire me now,
more details please pm me now..
thank you.

Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Other

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