
Need an SEO expert (monthly link building / website tweaks)

Need an SEO expert (monthly link building / website tweaks)

I've been using freelancing services on here and other platforms for some time now. My website is aged, already has a great backlink and ranks organically for most articles. Recently i've seen some drops in KW's and need to get this sorted.

I'm looking for an SEO expert for daily link building and other website tweaks. I'm not looking for spun content and bad quality links.


You must have vast experience of SEO and be willing to provide daily updates of work via google sheets/reports.
Some proof of previous ranking website would be great too.

Skills Required



hello lukec2000,

i can provide seo services (both offpage and onpage) for your website for one keyword to google first page ranking for $150 per month. please contact us asap.

i can do this job properly done, i have already running some project.
place your order and enjoy my service.

hello lukec2000,
i will provide monthly seo link building service.
please order me.
thank you.

i am seo expart, specially experience at linkbuilding. i will provide you 100% white hat linkbuilding service from many platfrom. so order me.

i can provide seo services (both offpage and onpage) for your website for one keyword to google first page ranking for $115 per month. order me now.

order me for the best and fastest promotion.

have a wonderful day.

i shall create 250 link building with do follow hyperlink based or included 250 i shall do the tweak works also. i have have 08 years of experience.


Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Link Building

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