
Hello, my name is Francis and I am a young, entrepreneural minded computer professional. I have been working in the computer and IT field for over 5 years. I have acquired professional experience and professional qualifications. Thank you.


I am waiting for opportunity and new challenges for this field. I can do my best and if you have any suggestions so give me i will try to fulfill your all requirements and end of the any work or project you will 100% satisfied by my services.


Hi! I have been a freelance writer doing various tasks for quite a long time and I enjoy providing my clients with original products including articles, reviews, data entry projects, presentations, etc. . I want buyers to be 100% satisfied, so I make any corrections revisions they need.


Hi, i am a graphic designer and whiteboard animation video ex plainer.. my portfolio https: my services... VIDEO,LOGO DESIGN, SIGNATUER TEXT LOGO CREATE,2D&3D BOOK COVER DESIGN, EBOOK COVER,PRODUCT LABEL & other extra work..I m here to capture your ideas and convert them in a potential project which ll help you to get more sales and more Exposure in your niche. Check out my gigs..THANKS
