
Questions from user JennyO

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After being inactive for a few months, I came back this week and noticed that my level has changed from 3 to 1- then 2. I was already stuck on Level 3 for way too long, now it just gets worse. That's not fair. Don't make...

  • JennyO
    JennyO Level 1
  • 9 2 years ago

    I've been on Level for 5 years and it's no longer funny, lol. As a longtime and active member, I'm requesting immunity from the power to be to get to Level 4. Thanks

  • JennyO
    JennyO Level 1
  • 8 4 years ago

    I have 73 followers and I can only see 31. Same goes for the amount of people that I follow. Why don't I have the option to view all of them? They're mine, I just want to see them all. I want to be able to follow bac...

  • JennyO
    JennyO Level 1
  • 8 5 years ago