
Leave link in comment box or website field?

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Leave link in comment box or website field?

As the title says. Should we be leaving out link in the comment box or will leaving it in the website field where we can enter out site do the same. I'm thinking the website field would have it be less likely to be deleted if out comment is genuine? Thank you.


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Yes of course, if you leave a web address in the comment section, it looks spammy. Though you made a great comment, it's likely to appear on the comment section when you place a link in the comment. So it's better to leave the link in the website section of the comment form. Most of the comment forms make the website link clickable automatically if you entered it on the website field.

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After Google Panda and Penguin updates, webmasters now take comment links very seriously. They approve website link only if your comment adds values to the conversation.
Also try to stick to the content of webpage.

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