
What is the fastest google ranking method?

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What is the fastest google ranking method?

What is the fastest/safest google ranking method? And how many different ones are there?


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The best method is backlinks from good sites - blogs, social networks ...

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If you already focused on on page seo, then go for off page seo which means link building. quality backlinks will rise your rankings to top.

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1) good on page optimization
2)get backlinks from high PR site&govt sites
3)updates your site frequently

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get backlinks from high quality sites, If you can get backlinks from dot gov or dot org, Google will trust your site more. When google trusts, it will rank your site higher. You also need to have quality contents on your website. When you have quality contents that are properly optimized for search engines, you will gain good traffic. Sites with high traffic are ranked higher than the non performing sites or sites with low traffic.

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