
How can I use WTT?

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How can I use WTT?

Can someone please explain what is the use of WTT


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Hello webgenius,

WTT = Want to Trade. 

You can trade your skills for other skills, for an example:

I want to trade 100 PR10 backlinks for Scrape box lists of 500 PR 6-9auto accept blog comments. 

You can pretty much trade anything you wish.

Kind Regards,

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         You can Trade your services for other services...The great thing in "Want to trade' section is No commission charges! You can get good service without spending a penny!


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WTT is an acronym for Want to Trade, whereby you can trade or exchange your service with others in exchange of theirs.
What's more interesting part is that you don't even need to pay Seocheckout commission.

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This is for trading, you may trade items/services with others in the WTT Tab.

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WTT is an acronym as we all know (Want to Trade). You may trade any items/services of your choice in the WTT Tab. I think you're okay with this piece ?

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