
How to cancel late delivery?

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How to cancel late delivery?

I'm wondering how I can cancel my order with somebody?
I ordered a gig from someone and it's been 5 days late!
I can see that the status is red and says "LATE", but when I check the gig status, there's no cancel button!
Where's the cancel link?


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It's a problem with my seller, not my buyer.
Thanks for the reply though.

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Seller and Buyer both can cancel the order.

You can cancel your gig from the Order Tracking Page. You should have received this URL via Email or you can get to it via Buyer / My Shopping on the menu. Select the red Got Problems link (above the text area, to the right) and select the middle option You and the Seller Agree to Cancel. Provide your seller with the reason you want this order cancelled. If your seller fails to respond, the order will get cancelled automatically after two days.

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