
PayPal verification for Pakistani sellers

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PayPal verification for Pakistani sellers

Hey guys,
I've been reading some posts especially from Pakistani sellers who are unable to get a PayPal account verified because it's not available in their country.

I found a post which might help you get a verified PayPal account. But it's very important to use a proxy/IP address from a country where PayPal is accepted
Here's the post :

For those who cannot use Payoneer, please try Wise is actually better than Payoneer, is cheaper and their verification is faster.

If any seller from Pakistan can try this and give his/her feedback, it would be much appreciated and would definitely help other sellers.



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Look!!!! I am a Bangladeshi seller and PayPal does not support the PayPal problem in Bangladesh either so I have money here with Pioneer and if your Pakistani soldiers have the same problem then you tell them because I am a Bangladeshi seller the problem is they are showing at the payment gateway without Pioneer. No, in fact, their technical problem will be solved in a few days and everyone will be able to withdraw money from it

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