
Problem related to bidding on a job request

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Problem related to bidding on a job request

Hi everyone!
I've recently joined this freelance website so I don't have much knowledge about this platform. Today, I found a "job" section and tried to bid on various job requests but I'm unable to bid on any of them. In some cases, it says that the bidding has been closed while at other times, it says that my level is below the minimum required level for this job. Can anyone please tell me that how to determine on which job request I can bid as I can't find any such requirement section on any of the job requests? Thanks in advance. 


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What specific job requests are you attempting to bid on?

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I found some article and blog writing jobs so I tried to bid on them. However, I'm unable to apply for any of them.

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It may be that you are not the required userlevel. Or you have a restriction. You can contact support for help with this issue.

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OK. Thanks for the help.

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