
6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

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6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

If you've been following me, you likely know that I've been writing content for almost two decades, and that means I've churned out over 5,000+ articles in my time as an Online Marketer.  I write content for all of my own websites, for my client's websites, and I've helped friends understand how to write for themselves so they stop asking me to help them lol.

Becoming a successful blogger is more than writing a lot of content, it's about writing content you love, and that's one of the reasons I've been able to stick with it for so long.  Sure, I've had my dark days where I don't want to strike a key, I've sometimes been down for a week, but those are learning times and now I know how to avoid them.  I rarely lose my momentum nowadays because of everything I'm about to cover below 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Blog because you love to, not because you want to get rich
When I started out I decided I wanted to make a ton of money through my websites and I knew I needed content in order to do that.  I wrote about absolutely everything and rarely focused on the things I loved.  I didn't get rich, I didn't get a ton of traffic, and I'm still working today because I switched gears and now write about things I love 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Getting rich can come in time but killing yourself over the content you're not invested in will never end well.  You'll hate waking up to work on articles, you won't have the same drive you used to, and you'll want to quit before you ever start again. 

Write about stuff you love and you will love waking up for work each day 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Be a trusted source of high quality content
When you love what you're writing about you will likely invest more time and effort into each post you make.  You will write 3,000+ word blogs and not realize how long you were typing until you go back to edit everything. 

Your content will be seen as high quality because you're truly interested in what you're blogging about and your readers will see that.  You will be pleasing your readers, which pleases Google, and that means higher rankings because you finally decided to write about something you loved and not something you were paid to write about 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Utilize social media to boost your growth
One thing I like to do is set up an automated sequence whenever I publish a new blog post.  I'll use IFTT to automate my Wordpress blog posts to get submitted to my social pages so I don't have to remember to do it at all lol. 

What I love about this is if you remember to use the right hashtags, you can easily rank for many searches within Facebook, and that's one way to pull in a decent amount of traffic 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Use your FAQ to direct people to your blog posts
A great way to spread traffic across your website or blog is to use your FAQ a little differently.  Instead of opening a dropdown menu for your questions and answers, you can send people to a specific blog post that will answer their question, and that means they will likely stick on your website or blog longer and they might read a few more posts by you.

The more you can keep people reading, the more likely they will sign up for something, and we all know that's not a bad thing 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Build your blog around something you're knowledgeable in
Like I mentioned above, you need to love what you're writing about, and that usually means you have a decent amount of knowledge in the niche or industry.  If you don't know much about the industry you're targeting, you might want to target something else, and that's because you will need to take 10x as long to research an article compared to if you were writing about something you already knew.

Writing about something you're interested in, something you love, and something you don't have to do much research in will always produce better content than if you had to do loads of research and hash together an article.

Know what makes you stand out and interesting
I'm not referring to your content, I'm referring to what makes YOU stand out and interesting!  This could be the way you write, your look, what you're interested in, etc.  Think about what makes you unique and why people would gravitate towards you.  Embrace yourself and people will see your self-confidence and then follow you 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

Final Thoughts,
Becoming a successful blogger takes time but it doesn't have to be an arduous journey unless you make it that way.  Write content about topics you're truly interested in and the things you love.  You don't want to burn out after your first 10 articles in a niche you're not super pumped about when you could be writing your 1,000th article about something you're passionate about. 

Thanks for reading 6 tips to become a successful blogger and not lose momentum

- Tommy Carey


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You I was in some confusion about blogging but now I think I should re-think abouth it. Thanks man.

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I believe that the success of a blogger depends not only on the ability to submit material, be interesting, but also on the technical component. The quality of sounds and pictures is important, as for the picture, I use, since its use is very convenient and simple, as well as not at all demanding

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