
How to make your first $1,000 online this month

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How to make your first $1,000 online this month

Many of us have heard of dropshipping, but not many have pulled the trigger on it, and that's a sad thing to hear.  I've been dropshipping since day 1 of my career, over 16 years ago, and it's much easier to do today than it's ever been.  You have a full marketplace of items to choose from, some plugins automate difficult tasks, and there are platforms you can run ads on that will bring customers to you. 

What's so difficult about that?

Well, the tough part of all of this is that you need to run this like a legitimate business, and you can't half-ass anything.  You can't take a week off, you can't ignore your tickets or emails, and you sure as hell can't ignore the sales coming in.  You need to stay on top of things and be as responsive as possible, so your business grows. 

Now then, let's get to it.

Pick a niche you can expand on
Most people fail in the beginning because they choose massive niches since that's where all the money is.  This is backward thinking because your investment will be 10x what it could have been if you chose a niche that wasn't already saturated.

Think of something small, something around your house you can sell, or something you would like to have in your life.  If any of that stuff is a fad, delete the idea, and move onto something small that many people can buy.  Finding the perfect niche is tougher than you would think, but once you find it, you'll be set for a while, and it's easier to cement yourself as the authority seller How to make your first $1,000 online this month

Go to and find some hot/trending products
One of my favorite spots to find dropshipping products is because they tend to be much cheaper than any local manufacturer and that means my profit margins are much higher How to make your first $1,000 online this month

Since you know what niche you're going to target, you can now find products related to it.  Find the right suppliers, ones that have years of sales already, and work with them.  Try not to work with any new sellers or resellers because that could hurt your business later on when they decide to stop doing what they're doing.  Working with established manufacturers and suppliers on is safer than taking a chance on a cheaper supplier that just created their account.

Set up a dropshipping website using AliDropship
I'm a big fan of Wordpress, and that's mainly why I love using AliDropship.  I can download their plugin, upload it to my site, add the chrome extension, and click on products form AliExpress and watch them get uploaded to my website.

I can upload 100s of products in an hour and not worry about transferring images, text, inventory, etc.  I click, and it gets uploaded, that's it.

Double the price of all your items
You'll need to profit something from each sale, and that's why I like to double the pricing of each product I list.  This also gives me some wiggle room when I offer coupons or deals to my visitors or when I retarget them after they leave the site.  Think about it, if you have a product for $350 and $325 of that is profit, you can offer discount codes and coupons for 25% off and still profit $40 per sale.  You'll get the sale, turn that person into a returning buyer (hopefully), and keep making money.

Add live chat using
Since I like working on a budget and funnel more money into advertising, I tend to use for my live chat systems.  Their services are free but cost $32 a month if you want to remove branding, but it's honestly not a big deal, and that's one of the reasons I love them. 

Another reason their free chat system is impressive is that each conversation goes right to my smartphone.  I can be on a beach, as long as it has wifi, and talk to customers as they're ordering lol.

Set up Facebook ads and Adwords campaigns that are super targeted
You'll want to get as targeted as possible, and this means you need only to target specific things related to your products that you know your audience will like.  If you're selling coffee mugs, then you should target people over the age of 30 who like Starbucks, Dunkin donuts, and other coffee shops.  You can also target coffee brands to expand your reach, but I wouldn't go much wider than that. 

The more specific you can get, the less money you'll waste on ads, and the higher your ROI will climb.

Split test, edit, delete, and always tweak your ads
When running PPC campaigns, you need to be vigilant about your monitoring and testing.  You won't have a winning ad right from the start, and that means you need to constantly split test dozens of variations and also use dynamic ads when possible.  The more split testing, editing, and tweaking you do to make your ads perform better each week, the better your profits will look.

Feature top sellers to boost them more
After you've gotten some sales, or you know what items sell best already, you can feature them on the homepage or in the sidebars to increase your sales even more.  You can even price certain items 300% their actual price and discount them by 50%, so you still profit a good amount.  Remember, people love a good sale so make sure you have one ready for them to jump on How to make your first $1,000 online this month

Final Thoughts,
If you follow everything I've said above, added your tweaks, and did plenty of research before pulling the trigger, then you should be able to make $3,000+ in net profit within a month.  This isn't something you'll be able to set up overnight, but you can do it in a few days, so get started as soon as you can and let me know how much you're making How to make your first $1,000 online this month

Thanks for reading How to make your first $1,000 online this month

Tommy Carey


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Hi Tommy,
Thanks for your thread.

There are a few things that you failed to mention.
You need to have at least $750 in marketing budget to run FB ads successfully. It is much harder in practice to run a successful dropshipping store. There are lots of variables that goes in to determine the success.s

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Well, you don't need $750 to run a successful Facebook ads campaign and I'm not sure where you got that information from.

You can have a successful campaign set at $3 a day as long as your targeting is spot on and you know the people you're putting your ads in front of will be more likely to make a purchase.

I think what you're referring to is a $750 budget for trial and error. What if we take that error out of the equation? Now you can have a successful campaign in the beginning without blowing a bunch of money.

What you need is experience and you need to research everything possible so you don't have to do as much trial and error or split testing. The more you know how to do something, the fewer screw-ups there will be, and in advertising that means you'll save more money.

I've run plenty of successful PPC campaigns though Facebook and never ran up a bill of $750 before I was making a profit. I know what I'm doing, I don't mess around and target people that might buy, and I only put my optimized ads in front of people that are more likely to buy based on their purchasing habits. Facebook is difficult to get a hang of, but if you learn the targeting well enough and do your research, you don't have to spend anything close to $750 before you have success coming your way.

Another thing to think about is running a Facebook page for your dropshipping store and funneling likes to it. You will pay to get people to like your page and you can post things to your page that these people will likely see in their news feed every once in a while. Not only will you get likes to your page and start funneling a few people to your store but you'll be building your brand and people will think "Oh, this page has 15,000+ likes, they must be legitimate!" and it will help gain you more sales.

There are lots of variables that goes in to determine the success.

You are correct, but making $32,000 a year isn't much where I'm from and that's not success to me. Now, if I were making $30,000+ a month from one dropshipping store then I would say it's successful, but not many people will stick to a plan long enough to build a store up that much, whish is why I only talk about making your first $3,000.

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