
Retirement not cutting it? Trying being a digital Freelancer!

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Retirement not cutting it? Trying being a digital Freelancer!

Many people in the world will retire and quickly realize their funds might not be enough to hold them over for the rest of their life.  In the USA the average retirement age is 65, and the average lifespan here is shy of 80 years old.  This means you will need enough funds coming in, or saved up, to carry you at least 15 years after you've retired.

The problem with this is that people tend to retire and live off of their savings, 401k, social security, and/or pension plan but might not have budgeted throughout their career to do just that.  A lot of people go back to work so they can make some extra money to pay some bills and put food on the table because their retirement funds coming in isn't enough to hold them over.

What's the easiest way to counter a low income after retirement?  Getting a job!  This is why you see the elderly at Walmart holding the "Greeter" positions, or they might be the person that is helping bag items. 

What's a less physically demanding job for the retired?  Online Freelancing!  This is because they can sit at their computers all morning and afternoon typing or helping someone that needs smaller tasks done.  The only downside to this is that many older adults aren't very tech-savvy and don't like to go online that much, but what if we taught them specific skills needed to make more money online?

Below are a few jobs that retired people could do online

Blogging for Profits
This is a pretty common thing for any person to do and it would be ideal for a retired person to start if they think they'll need some additional money down the road.  You'll need a domain name (website name), a design or theme, ability to type well, and patience.  If you can get all of these on your own, great!  But if you need help, then you have to ask in certain places (like here), and someone will likely hold your hand throughout the process. 

You can also look through online forums to figure out how to do certain things, and I would highly recommend using Wordpress along with because they seem to be incredibly helpful with everything they offer and they will even help with plugins, scripts, and themes that aren't their own, so you're happy.

Your Domain
This is the name of your website and will be what people type into Google or Yahoo if they want to find you.  Think of something related to the niche you want to talk about, so it's easy to remember the name of your site, and people can find you right away.

Your design/theme
I would highly recommend checking out to find something you like because they are a one-time payment of $30 to $120 for a fully functional website that would typically cost you thousands if you were to hire someone to make it for you.

You need patience
I say that patience is something you'll need because you won't see much money coming in right away due to your website being so new.  You'll need to regularly add content to it, make sure it's optimized, and hope your articles get ranked for the keywords you want to target.  It's a long process, which is why I would suggest starting after you retire and now when you need money.

Becoming a Virtual Assistant
Not many people are looking for this type of position after retirement, and it's likely because they don't know it exists.  There are plenty of people out there that have business experience and can help any company out there by merely becoming a VA.

Your jobs will likely require you to talk with customers, write some content, answer emails, and other smaller tasks that help the business run smoothly.  Think of an assistant job and what they would do for the boss, and that's mostly what you'd be doing for the company you're helping out, but you'd be in the comfort of your own home.

Many smaller companies outsource this type of work overseas, and larger companies will likely have someone in house to do all of this.  That doesn't mean it's impossible to find a position with a medium-sized company that wants to bring on people within their won country.

Think about it, you're retired and have an income already so you might not want to get paid top dollar compared to younger kids who want this job.  That means you have much more experience, a wealth of knowledge, there's no language barrier, and you will take less pay than most of the applicants.  A company would be dumb not to hire you!  The only drawback is that you'd need the tech skills and knowhow to get online and do all the jobs required.  The company hiring you would likely give you some courses to help you along, but they want to know you can do the work yourself and not need someone to hold your hand throughout the process.  This means you should start reading up about how to add content to WordPress blogs, how to answer emails, how to convey emotion through text (it's not as easy as you might think), and a few other smaller things that will help you out along the way.

Write Content for large companies
An easy way to generate some income, if you have the patience, is to write content for companies in the industries you love.  If you used to work for a train company, contact all of the ones you can think of and see if they'd be interested in bringing you on board to write up the content for their blog.  You could even contact your previous employer and see if they'd bring you back on to do some work, but that could mess with your retirement funds, so I would target the other related companies and see what sort of response you get Retirement not cutting it?  Trying being a digital Freelancer!

Every single website in the world needs content to gain traffic from search engines and become more popular.  If you have the knowledge, as well as writing skills, you can produce a massive amount of content that any niche website would love to pay you for.  The amount you can pay per article varies depending on the niche you're in.  More profitable niches will be more willing to pay top dollar $400+ for an article while smaller niches will be more comfortable paying $25 to $25 per piece. 

If your industry isn't as profitable and can't pay you enough per piece just move onto a different niche and do a little more research per article, so it's accurate, and the business owners love it Retirement not cutting it?  Trying being a digital Freelancer!  The great thing about content writing is that once you have the skills and know-how to do some research, you can pretty much write for any niche, it might just take a little longer depending on how much research is needed Retirement not cutting it?  Trying being a digital Freelancer!

Well, those are the top 3 jobs a retired person can work with to make some additional money later on in life.  You won't get rich off of these unless you start up your blogging business, VA business, or content writing business then sell it to the highest bidder, but you can make some extra cash to help you go on a vacation or buy the grandkids more presents when Christmas comes around Retirement not cutting it?  Trying being a digital Freelancer!

Thanks for reading Retirement not cutting it?  Trying being a digital Freelancer!

- Tommy


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