
Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

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Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

Sales funnels come in all shapes, sizes, and forms but not many people think about using a massive facebook group or page in order to funnel traffic to their money websites.  This is because a person who is building up a page or community will likely have plans to sell a consulting service to their followers or they just want to talk about certain things within their niche and don't plan on selling anything.  Well, I'm not one of those people and I tend to work on Facebook in order to make money, so that's what this entire discussion is going to be about Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

A sales funnel is basically just a page off of your own website that tries to send people to your website in order to make a sale.  It can be anything from a completely different website you own that sends people through a banner or it could be an email capture form that sends out newsletters each week in hopes of getting someone to sign up for your services or buy your products.  It doesn't matter what you're doing, if it involves getting someone from a 3rd party website to your own in order to make a sale, you're using a sales funnel!  Facebook pages, communities, groups, etc. can be used as sales funnels and that's what I'll be discussing below.

To keep this simple, I'm just going to refer to your facebook page/community/group/etc. as a "Facebook Page" or just a "Page".

Name your page something that will get recognized easily
This will help you get noticed in the internal search engines on Facebook.  You will land within the right searches, get noticed quicker, and people will come to join your page.  The more popular your page gets, the more likely people will like it without doing any research, which means you're not going to be experiencing a positive snowball effect Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

SEO goes into this a lot, but it won't help you land higher on Google, Yahoo!, or Bing since they don't really index Facebook pages like they use to.  This little trick is just for the internal search algorithm on Facebook.

Be sure to use high-quality images on your page
If you look around after doing a basic search for the keywords you want to be found for, you'll notice that most of the results are using stolen images off of or even images from bing.  Try not to do this because you could accidentally use an image from gettyimages and they will sue the crap out of you lol.

Sign up for a stock image service, I like using and put together your own high-quality images by pairing up a few of your downloads and adding your own text if needed.  For just $29 a month you will get 50 image downloads a day, which is much more than something like Shutterstock, but you can also opt for their 7-day free trial and get 20 images a day Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website  That's 140 free images that you can use for your new facebook page Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

Add your business info so people in the group can find you
If you want to be taken as a professional, you need to be seen as a professional, and the first step to doing this is by adding your business information.  Whenever I'm running a new website and building a page for it, I will just use the UPS address down the street since it's a legitimate building and people will think I'm using a UPS mailbox lol.  I will edit it later if the business takes off because I'll actually go get a UPS mailbox, but I don't like spending money before I know something is going to work out Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

After you get your address on there, make sure your business name and website are viewable as well.  You can just put your domain name as the business, just hope it doesn't get registered because you'll then have to think of something else and register that later on if you become more successful.  You can always put your current business information there if you have a business of your own, but a lot of people will think you're trying to do a bait and switch if that info doesn't match the website on your page's profile.

Post at least a dozen times before you do any sort of marketing
This can't be skipped at all!  You need to post a few times, at least 12, in order for people to have something to interact with when they land on your page.  If you haven't edited your settings, everyone can comment on your posts, but if you don't have any posts then they won't have anything to do when they land on your page lol.

Write up a few decent articles, post them to your facebook page, then add little snippets here and there that link to 3rd party websites that could help out a stranger in your niche.  Yes, you will send traffic to websites that aren't yours, but you don't always have to do this later on.

Engage with anyone who comments
When you start to get comments coming in, you MUST engage with them if you want to keep them coming around.  Thank them for the comment, thank them for joining your page, thank them for anything you can think of but just be sure you're talking to them if they comment.

Try helping anyone that has a question or problem because you never know how many people have the same thing going on but they just don't want to ask for help.  You could be helping out 10 people by responding to just 1 person, and that might help build up your page in the long run.  Help 1,000 strangers and you could actually be helping out 10,000 who will join your page and start asking questions.

Run a PPC campaign and focus on getting penny likes
I do this for all of my pages because I know it works and I know the likes won't be deleted like some social media dashboards that sell 1,000 page likes for $3.00.  I will target the entire world, set my max cost per like at around $2.05, then I will optimize my images and ads in order to drop my cost as low as possible until it hits $2.01 per like. 

Now, you will likely be getting people from 3rd world countries liking your page, but that's ok because they're just helping you get found in the internal search algorithm that ranks your page within Facebooks Search results Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website  If you're getting your likes down to $2.01 a piece, you're spending $30.00 per 1,000 genuine likes that will never get deleted Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website  I did this for one of my websites and built it up to 20,000 likes in less than a month.  I could have done it quicker, but my max budget per day was set to $30.00.

In conclusion
If you can do all of the above, you will build up your facebook page in a way that not many people are doing it, and you will get found more naturally as well as get a lot of likes for a few dollars.  The longer you work through this process, the better your page will get, and the more money that will flow to your actual website, in the end, Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website  It does take a while to do this, even if you're using the PPC trick I talked about above, so be patient and stick with it if you want to be successful Build a page on facebook and funnel sales to your website

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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1. Membangun merek Memiliki Facebook Fanpage tentu saja dengan tujuan untuk menerima dan mendapatkan lebih banyak pelanggan. Dengan menggunakan Fanpage, bisnis online Anda dapat lebih mudah membangun merek bisnis Anda. Setiap bisnis online yang memiliki Facebook Fanpage menggunakan nama bisnis atau bisnis itu sendiri, seperti yang memiliki Facebook Fanpage bernama Beon Intermedia. Ini yang ditawarkan untuk lebih memperkenalkan merek kepada masyarakat.

2. Menarik lebih banyak penggemar Dengan menggunakan Facebook Fanpage, kami dapat menarik lebih banyak penggemar. Kita dapat mengundang orang atau teman kita untuk menyukai Fanpage. Dari sana, akan ada banyak orang yang akan melihat halaman penggemar Anda dan memberikan suka ke Fanpage. Semakin banyak penggemar yang Anda miliki, bisnis Anda akan semakin mudah diketahui oleh masyarakat atau pengguna Facebook.

3. Terlihat lebih profesional Memiliki Facebook Fanpage akan membantu kampanye Anda terlihat lebih profesional. Karena ini akan mengatur akun pribadi Anda dengan akun bisnis yang Anda kelola. Untuk membuat konten yang menarik juga lebih terstruktur secara teratur, lebih dari harus disetujui di akun pribadi.

4. Fasilitasi promosi. Buat Fanpage untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis Anda kan? Dengan Facebook Fanpage, kegiatan promosi Anda akan sedikit terbantu. Karena saat ini, sudah ada begitu banyak pengguna Facebook, inilah yang membuat banyak peluang bisnis tersedia dan peluang untuk mendapatkan banyak pelanggan jauh lebih mudah.

5. Mesin pencari terindeks Facebook Fanpage terintegrasi dengan mesin pencari yang benar-benar Anda butuhkan untuk mendukung bisnis Anda. Dengan mudah ini, siapa pun yang mencari bisnis Anda di mesin pencari, mereka akan menemukan situs web yang Anda dapatkan dan juga Facebook Fanpage yang Anda miliki juga.

6. menghubungkan fitur check-in Facebook teman atau pengguna Facebook lainnya dapat menerima merek bisnis yang memiliki Facebook Fanpages, kompilasi mereka ingin check-in di lokasi tertentu. Ini juga membantu Anda memperkenalkan bisnis Anda ke daerah yang lebih luas. Terkait fitur check-in Facebook teman atau pengguna Facebook lainnya dapat menerima merek bisnis yang memiliki Facebook Fanpages, kompilasi mereka ingin check-in di lokasi tertentu. Ini juga membantu Anda memperkenalkan bisnis Anda ke daerah yang lebih luas. Terkait fitur check-in Facebook teman atau pengguna Facebook lainnya dapat menerima merek bisnis yang memiliki Facebook Fanpages, kompilasi mereka ingin check-in di lokasi tertentu. Ini juga membantu Anda memperkenalkan bisnis Anda ke daerah yang lebih luas.

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