
Monitor, Track, and Analyze everything in order to know what's working for your website.

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Monitor, Track, and Analyze everything in order to know what's working for your website.

If you're just putting up a website and thinking it will be profitable, you're going to come to a quick realization that you're in over your head, and that's because you're not doing everything possible to know if you're going to make money online.  You need to monitor, track, and analyze everything you possibly can in order to be sure the work you're doing is actually going to make you money.

If you're not tracking, you're not winning, and your competitors are likely laughing because you're spending money on things your business will never need.  You're likely investing into keywords in Adwords that never convert, targeting keywords that are dead or don't get any traffic, or just not knowing where you should be investing the majority of your time in order to be the most successful possible.

Track your rankings to see if your SEO is working
When you're doing your own SEO, you need to be tracking where you're landing within the SERPs in order to know if your work is actually doing what you want it to do.  Sure, you can go onto Google, Yahoo!, or Bing and manually search for your rankings, but you'll just see where you land for your local region or area.  You need to use some sort of SERP tracker in order to see where you land on every search engine, not just, and you will be able to see if your SEO work is bringing you up the rankings for if it's actually hurting your website and should be stopped.

Monitor your traffic to see where it's coming from
If you don't monitor your traffic to see where it's coming from, you might think a traffic method you're currently using is doing really well, but in reality, your traffic could be coming from somewhere else.

A lot of people mess this part up and start investing more into Adwords or Facebook ads when the majority of their traffic is coming from a few banner ads they place a while ago.  They think their ads are the source of increased traffic and income, so they put more money into them, but it might not be where you should be reinvesting your profits.

Knowing where the traffic is coming from will show you where you need to put more money into.  If it's already bringing in traffic and you boost it up to higher numbers, you're just going to make more in a short amount of time with less trial and error Monitor, Track, and Analyze everything in order to know what

Watch to see how people navigate around your website
A lot of business don't watch to see where their visitors are navigating when on their own websites, which is something you should be doing.  If you aren't watching where people are going on your website, you'll never know what the best content is or where they decided to exit.  Knowing what the best and worst pages of your website are will help you plug holes in your site and keep people on there longer, increasing the chances of them turning into a customer Monitor, Track, and Analyze everything in order to know what

Know where your sales are coming from and optimize for that
Just like knowing where your traffic is coming from, knowing which traffic method is generating the most sales is the key to success.  If you know that your Facebook ads are generating the most sales, send them to a landing page that thanks them for taking a few seconds of their time to visit your pages.  You can say something like "Thank you for leaving Facebook for a few seconds to read our blog post!  You can find it HERE" and make "HERE" a link to the blog post you were advertising on Facebook.  People will see this as a nice little thing, and it will increase the chances of getting more sales, and that just means you're boosting an already successful traffic method that brings in sales Monitor, Track, and Analyze everything in order to know what

In conclusion
You need to monitor, track, and analyze everything possible in order to know what's working and what isn't.  You'll actually save a lot of money if you just get detailed and a little crazy about your statistics because you'll find the little things that your competitors aren't worried about.  You'll be able to invest in the right traffic generation methods, optimize a traffic method in order to make it better, and know where to build up your website for better so people stay on for longer.  If you can do all of this, you'll likely be successful online before someone else who isn't Monitor, Track, and Analyze everything in order to know what

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Tommy Carey


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I'm still active every now and then as a buyer as well as a user here on community discussions. But overall, at least for the time being, I'm not active as a seller anymore, this is why I long suspended my services. I was still getting orders every now and then and I hated the idea of canceling or talking a lot more time delivering them to my clients.

Over the years, yes, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of inactive sellers around. There are also a lot of sellers that don't log in often and only come back when they gain a new order, maybe something has to be done about sellers like this? Maybe sending them a reminder via email, informing them that constant activity on SC can be the difference between fewer orders and a constant stream of profit.
Cheers need have an jobs to parmanently

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I actually find the analytics side of this fascinating - I love seeing where people are reading my content from, and where website traffic originates from. It really does help you get a good picture of your current market demographic, and can also be a great guide on where you need to improve or focus further marketing efforts towards.

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I see that you are amused with the analytics and maybe your interest with your readership is too deep that you even check where the traffic is coming from. To be honest, I am not really good in the evaluation of things because I find it time consuming. That is one item that I have been studying because I think I need to do some evaluation like what you are doing when I have my own website.

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Knowing where the traffic is coming from is one of the best ways to keep up with the investment that we do on improving the traffic that comes to the site that we have. This is the reason we should always get to see the need to run ads with a good mindset that they are going to work pretty well for us at the end of the day.

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I have to agree that analytics is an integral part of optimization and monetization. It is also a big help in marketing specifically in getting conversions. You must always be aware of what's good and what's bad for your site.

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I do believe that knowledge is power and knowing everything that's happening in your website gives you the power to adapt and refocus when needed. Doing this would give you fast reaction time when it comes to problems as well as in doing damage control.

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I couldn't agree more...If you wan't your site to be active and on top of the rest, you need to do and know everything both internal and external aspects of it. It sounds insane but it's a fact that you are your business and your business is always affected by your decisions and work.

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Indeed! The more you know, the more empowered you are to make decisions to improve your business, or expand on the current success you're having. Analytical tools are a huge help for me - even sites like Twitter and Instagram allow you to look at those analytics. It's fascinating!

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I guess that the most sales will be coming from Facebook and that is if you have a dynamic account and lots of friends there. Most of my friends who are into online business are focusing on Facebook because they say Facebook is the most fertile venue for business. And I agree especially when you are dealing with personal items, it is very salable among your Facebook connections.

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Internet marketing can be complicated.Its hard to know what is working. To be honest its like you are walking in the dark. Its like trial and error, especially because you are selling to an international audience.At the moment I'm also learning to use my statistics to see what works and what doesn't. It takes some time and learning to figure out how to use your statistics. I'm actually thinking of taking a class on this.I know people that are successful in online marketing use a lot of statistics.

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I believe that in all businesses the owner should be hands on and that he should be aware and adept on every step and facet of his businesd. To do that he must be knowledgeable in running it and he must know a great deal in damage control and has a form grasp on deciding what's the best move to make when it comes to his business.

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Analyzing will really help us in determining of what's goibg on into the thing that we are observing like websites. By analyzing we will gather a data and if we evaluate that data we can have a conclusion of what is the best thing to do to overcome the problem? Do you make the right choice? etc. It is a good indicator if our site is travelling into the right path or not.

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"Watch to see how people navigate around your website."

I agree more on how people see your website. Its really best that you checked it for you to know if it really runs smooth, nice and neutral to all customers who would like to visit your website. Or let someone do this for you or your assistant, so you know whats going on from time to time so in case something happened, you get to know it right away and fix it on time.

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I think that tracking your traffic on a regular basis is very essential for any website owner to know where his site stands. when he tracks the traffic he will know the reasons for the success or failure of some ideas or concepts as regards the content he is generating. The tacking of the traffic on one's site will also immensely help in knowing the positives of his content and help in rectifying the mistakes that might be happening in handling some subjects. If proper attention is given to the tracking of traffic then it will enable the owner to filter the content according to the needs of the readers and make more profits due to it.

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