
5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

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5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

There are many motivational speeches out there that will tell you everything I'm about to cover, but you'll have to sift through YouTube for hours before you find even one of them, and that's why this discussion was born.  Being successful online isn't as difficult as everyone says it is, you just need to do the work day in and day out without spending your profits on dumb stuff, in order to see success come your way. 

You're probably thinking "I just started and I want to be successful, but how do I do it?" and all I can say is you need to stop listening to people who aren't successful.  You need to find a mentor that actually inspires you, that you can listen to in your down times, and you will work more.  You need to schedule every moment in order to stay on task through the week or month. You need to devote yourself to your business and try to grow by 1% each and every day.

Stop listening to people who are less successful than you
Everyone likes to hand out advice to you even if they haven't made a single dollar online.  I see it all the time on forums, people give advice but they are asking how to make money on another thread, and that's what you need to avoid.  Listen to the people who are actually making money online right now and avoid the people who want to be the ones making money and you will see yourself more successful later on down the road because the information you're getting is high quality and not rehashed.

Find a mentor who inspires you and is already successful
A lot of people think that you need to be able to talk 1 on 1 with a successful person in order for them to be considered your mentor, but that's not true.  I see Grant Cardone as my main mentor, and I've never talked with him or even sent him an email.  I love the stuff he does and all experience he's gained through his success as well as his failures.  I personally love the time when he said: "If I listened to all the people that told me I couldn't do something, I would never be successful" 5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

Find a mentor, someone that inspires you to work and learn more, and you will be able to push yourself through tough times and get shit done 5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

Schedule every moment of your day, and stick to this schedule
Every billionaire out there schedules their day down the smallest things.  Bill gates would lock himself in a room and write down his schedule on notepads, then come out only when he was done, and he's a mega-billionaire due to his rigorous scheduling and ability to stay on task.  Sure, he could also say that he's rich due to how smart he is, but I guess that helps him schedule his day out quicker lol 5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

Devote yourself to your business because you want to
You shouldn't be thinking "I need to work 10 hours because I need to make money" you should be thinking "I want to work 10 hours because I'm building a business that will be profitable later on".  If you can do this, you can be successful, and that's what we're all going after right?

If you can devote yourself to your business because you want to, you will understand that you're not working but you're just doing something you love to do.  If you love what you do it won't feel like you've worked a day in your life 5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

Try to grow by just 1% each day
This is one thing I try to live by each and every day, and you should be as well, and that is I try to grow by just 1% each and every day.  If you think about this, it's a tough thing to do after you're making a lot of money because that 1% could be $2.01 or it could be $15,000 a day if you're really successful.  You shouldn't set your 1% daily growth as a goal, because you won't always hit it.  Instead, it should just be something you're trying to achieve each day and that's what pushes you to do that extra hour of work each day or write that extra article for your website 5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

In conclusion
If you can look through everything I've written above, you will know that a mentor is someone that is doing something you want to do, and in a place where you want to be but not necessarily someone you need to speak with face to face.  You need to stop listening to the people who are less successful than you because they can't actually help you if they aren't helping themselves.  If you devote yourself to your business, and love what you're doing, it won't feel like work at all.  And above all else, you should try to increase your profits by just 1% each and every day, but not treat it like a goal, just try to do it and be happy with the extra work you're putting in 5 small pieces of information that could launch you towards success

Remember to follow me!

Thank You!

Tommy Carey


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Not bad, basically just keep a discipline and stick to it.
Best advice in the write up is the "don't listen to less successful people".

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1. Manajemen Waktu yang Baik
Waktu adalah sumber yang tidak bisa diulang atau dipercepat. Karena itu, kita harus menggunakan waktu di masa sekarang sebanyak mungkin dan sebaik mungkin. Manajemen waktu yang baik adalah karakteristik pekerja yang sangat dihargai oleh atasan.

2. Hindari Menunda Tugas
Keterlambatan untuk melakukan tugas sering kali dilakukan oleh kami, baik di sekolah maupun di tempat kerja. Meskipun sulit untuk menjaga semangat kita di atas dalam menyelesaikan target dan kewajiban, mencegah keterlambatan dalam melakukan tugas sangat penting. Lakukan apa saja yang dapat membuat Anda bersemangat. Anda yang mengenal diri sendiri, mencari cara.
3. Buat Daftar Prioritas Tugas

Jika perlu, tak lama setelah Anda bangun atau malam sebelum tidur, buatlah daftar prioritas tugas yang harus dilakukan, mulai dari yang paling penting hingga yang paling sedikit. Fokuskan diri Anda untuk bekerja dalam urutan itu.4. Kuasai Pikiran Anda

Pikiran memainkan peran yang kuat dalam kehidupan kita. Dengan pola pikir optimis, kita akan percaya diri dan ambisius dalam mencapai apa yang kita inginkan. Kami akan melihat pekerjaan kami secara positif. Jika Anda gagal dalam tugas sebelumnya, jangan berkecil hati. Ingat, kegagalan adalah kesuksesan yang tertunda. Pepatah itu bukan dusta, tetapi sebenarnya kegagalan Anda tidak menentukan kemampuan Anda. Alih-alih menjadikannya suatu pola pikir untuk mendorong Anda melakukan lebih baik.

5. Memiliki rasa empati

Empati, yang berarti kemampuan manusia untuk berbagi dalam pengalaman orang lain, membuat Anda menjadi seseorang yang dapat bekerja sama dalam sebuah tim dan memotivasi dengan baik. Empati adalah kebalikan dari sikap apatis, dan mendorong orang yang bekerja untuk memiliki target lebih dari sekadar gaji besar, tetapi juga berhubungan dengan orang lain.

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