
4 reasons you should always be listening to your customers

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4 reasons you should always be listening to your customers

Your customers can make or break your business, and that's why you should always be listening to them.  If you don't listen to your customers, you're likely going to lose them to your competitors who are, so start opening your ears to the words they're saying about your service or products and implement any changes necessary to keep everyone satisfied.

Now, you won't be able to change every little thing that each person doesn't like, because you'll have a mess of a website and your services or products won't be right for everyone.  Instead, figure out what most of your customers would like changed and only stick with the big ones.  Little suggestions from one person should be ignored, but if you have 100 people saying the same thing, then it might be time for a slight change because you know it's something that the masses likely think but don't voice their opinions about.

Happy customers will be your marketing team
When you're consistently pleasing your customers or subscribers, you're essentially creating a marketing team who will go out and tell others about you, which will likely boost your SEO and branding without spending a single dime of your own money 4 reasons you should always be listening to your customers

Happy customers will gladly tell their friends and family about your products or services if they truly loved them.  They will share and tag people on social media platforms, post on blogs, share within forums, etc. and it's just because you did a great job and gave them a great product or performed a service above their expectations 4 reasons you should always be listening to your customers

It gets you more in touch with your customer base
Listening to your customer base will keep you in touch with who they really are.  Your demographics could change over time, and if you're not talking and listening to them, you could be targeting the wrong people after just 6 months and that means you're wasting money on advertising. 

Staying in touch with your customer base also builds trust between both parties.  You know who they are and they are aware of who you are, and both sides can get in touch if they really want to, and this will always boost sales for the business or website you're running.

You'll understand what people don't like about your brand
If you're paying attention to what people are saying about you, what you're hearing from their own mouths, or what they're emailing you then you'll know exactly what people don't like about your brand.  Most people will just post on an open forum about the things they don't like about you and see if anyone responds, but you should be the one responding and say you'll work on this flaw in order to keep everyone happy, and everyone will see you as a better company for it 4 reasons you should always be listening to your customers

You'll see the need for massive change, and be ok with it.
Some companies listen to their customers and know they need a rebranding or a new color scheme.  A lot of companies actually do this because they are targeting the right people but have the wrong images on their ads, which won't convert much if you really think about it, so they changed up their ads as well as their product packaging and saw their sales increase by 20% 4 reasons you should always be listening to your customers

In conclusion
Listening to your customers will always be beneficial to your company if you actually apply some changes that the masses are concerned about.  They will gladly talk about you on forums or blogs, but it's up to you to see these discussions and respond with a product change or actually talk with them in the open and let them know you'll be working on the negative points they covered.

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Thank You!

Tommy Carey


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I agree, but for me the biggest reason why you should always listen to your customer is because they have the buying power. If you get on their bad side, you'll lose them. They are the key to a successful business.

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I also agree with you Tommy.

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I agree. Customers are the reason why we do business. It's really necessary to always listen to them. We engage in business for our customers.

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Absolutely agree, thanks for the post

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Agree... as Customers have the purchasing power. Tuning in to customers will develop your business. Client input encourages you improve. In the event that you don't tune in, customers will go somewhere else. Customers can disclose to you what they think about your Business Perceptions.

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