
7 things every new business owner should follow in order to succeed

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7 things every new business owner should follow in order to succeed

Running a business isn't the easiest thing to do since it requires a lot of blood, sweat, and tears as well as a lot of time invested into sustained growth to become the best business possible.  The investment of your time and efforts alone are what kill over 50% of businesses within the first 5 years of incorporation.  In order to be successful, you need to follow 7 things that area a necessity in order to have sustained growth for your company.

It doesn't matter if you've been working for yourself for 10+ years or you just started, there are crucial elements to running a business so it's successful and can stick around for a long time.  You'll need to master various things such as growing your sales, boosting your reputation in a positive way, and even finding the right team to help you succeed in every aspect of your business.  Remember, running a business isn't the easiest thing to do in the world, but it's something we all try to do in order to be wealthy on our own and never have a boss.

In this discussion I'll be covering the 7 main things you need to focus on as a new, or seasoned, business owner in order to succeed online or offline.

Your Revenue Growth
There are plenty of companies out there that sit down and brain storm of how they are going to make their next sale, but they forget one crucial thing, and that is you have to bust your butt in order to keep people coming in.  You need to be the one who is bringing in the traffic, talking to customers, getting email sign ups, and pretty much anything else that boosts your revenue growth for the better. 

You should also know that rapid expansion isn't always a good thing.  You could spread your funds too thin, and if something goes wrong, you will have to shut down sectors of your company or suffer the consequences.

You MUST Have A Vision
In order to be successful, you must have a vision for your company that you will execute at all costs.  Many companies are driven by data, but they forget one crucial thing, there are likely people and companies that have been successful in the same industry so you'll need to take notes on what they've already done.  You can't let your pride stop you from seeing what is right in front of you, working for other companies, because you'll just get left behind if you do this. 

If you have a better grasp on reality, you will be able to see what other companies like yours are doing in your niche and industry, then you can duplicate their success while adding onto it with your own objectives.

Build up a great online reputation
If you have a great online reputation, people will be more willing to purchase from you, regardless if they've heard of your website or business before.  A great online reputation goes a long way, especially when someone is trying to make a purchasing decision, because they will research your company prior to buying anything they had their eyes on. 

A great online reputation will also get your more brand ambassadors since you're bringing in more sales.  These ambassadors will likely share your business whenever they see the chance arise, which is extremely beneficial for you.

Implementing your knowledge
Being a smart business person is great, but if you're not implementing what you've learned through researching anything you can, you're not going to go very far.  Companies that focus on implementation of tactics to boost sales, increase traffic, build a better brand, boost popularity, etc. are the ones you always see at the front lines of your industry making the most money.  So, you'll need to implement everything you've learned and not become one of the companies that falls within 5 years.

Don't let limitations hold you back
Whenever you start up a business you think there are are certain limitations when it comes to innovation and even customer targeting.  You also need to stop listening to people who have failed countless times, because they'll just tell you that it can't be done.  When I started off in this industry, I was told I wouldn't make more than $600 in a year, but I broke that within a very short amount of time lol.

Letting something hold you back is just a reason to take the easiest path.  Remember, the more difficult paths sometimes has the greatest rewards.  People will tell you things ar impossible, but that's just because they couldn't do it 7 things every new business owner should follow in order to succeed

Build the right team
Having the right people around you is crucial when it comes to running a successful business.  You can't have a bunch of negative employees and think the flow of your business is going to be the best it can be.  Think about it, if your team is comprised of knowledgeable members and they all work well together, you will have an amazing work flow while everyone is happy.  Building the right team doesn't always mean having the smartest people working for you, it means having all the people working together as best as they can. 

Building the right team is like a puzzle, you can't have 10 corner pieces if the puzzle is a square.  You need to find the four corners, some edges, internal pieces, and even the puzzle glue to bring everything together when you're done assembling it 7 things every new business owner should follow in order to succeed

Grow your following
Every social media platform has it's own benefits when it comes to targeting.  Sure, they're over saturated when it comes to businesses marketing on them, but what you'll need to do is build your following and not always market to them.  You'll need to get people to come like, comment, follow, and share your posts when they go live.  Your following will definitely make you money whenever you decide to launch a new product or service, but they're more than just sales, they're your marketing and social media teams as well 7 things every new business owner should follow in order to succeed

In Conclusion
More than 50% of business fail within the first 5 years, like I mentioned in the beginning of this discussion, so you'll need to apply the above 7 things in order to not see the same fate as them.  Having a vision, focusing on growth, building a reputation, understanding what you're doing while implementing it, not listening to limitations, building the right team, and always growing your following will help you become more successful than your competitors over time as long as you are diligent with these things.

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Yes, and doing research on the market in their area is very important. You can't sell ice to Eskimos. Businesses need to dot all their i's and cross all their T's if they hope to be successful. It is extremely important to do. All the points you mentioned are very valid.

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Doing research is good for any new business for that is a way to show they are mean for business. By researching, they could get to discover things that will help to boost their business as well.

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I agree with you that nee businesses should try as much ad they could to build an online presence for that is a way to show the world how serious they are about going into business.

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New businesses fail because the market is oversaturated and there is no way you're going to be able to compete with a multimillion or billion dollars company. You might be able to get some table scraps if your selling odd items or odd services that the big names think its a waste of time selling.

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Unfortunately this is true. But this is also partly our fault. We, as consumers, tend to rely or trust more these big companies all the time. When we start to consider the small businesses, the local businesses in our area, or the newly established small businesses, then there might be hope for us as small business owners too. We might be surprised to see that the small ones are much more trustworthy than the billion dollar companies.

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I agree that it is not fair for you to be competing with big businesses but you can be creative in your approach not only in marketing your business interest but also in the business itself. If you are dealing with ready-to-wear clothing items and personal accessories, there are lots of them around from offline stores to online stores. But if you are selling indigenous personal accessories like handcrafted bracelets or wooden fridge magnet then you have a unique business.

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Great tips for new starters in business, nothing good comes easy and as such one must always strive to learn the intricacies of anything one wants to do to achieve success and really know its workability.I think the most important thing is running with one vision, don't let anyone or thing turned you away from your visions, focus on them though you may fail, pick up a lesson or two and move better that way than deviating because of baseless noise from irrelevant people.

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I think vision really is one of the most underestimated aspects of starting a business. A lot of people have delusions of what will happen when they start their business and because of this they never bother with establishing a vision which really is a detriment to building a successful business. A lot of them think that just doing what others seem to be doing on the surface is enough to get them the same results but they fail to recognize that there was a lot of back end effort that they never witnessed for the other businesses to get where they are, and those businesses probably also established a vision for themselves so they don't get lost when they came across bumps in the road.

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This are very helpful points. A business should have a vision and mission. It should have objectives and goals that can lead it. A business should have innovative employees who don't need supervision. A business should also have enough assets so it can manage to pay any debt.

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I think watching cashflow is what is required. You can see that some of the times new business requires you to properly settle in many ways. You have to be considerate about the clients. And you have to make sure that you are doing them proper service. Then they are going to be recurring. And the cashflow remains consistent. If this is not done properly you're going to have some issues with the business. That's what I have seen.

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Currently, I am focusing on revenue growth. I launched my affiliate website in April since then I have been able to make only $13 by selling affiliate products. I get decent traffic but the traffic is not converting. Therefore, I have decided to change the mode. I am thinking to convert the website to an online store so that I will make more sales and earn more commission. I am also looking for the ways to build online reputation. Therefore, I am creating facebook page, twitter account, pinterest account for my business.

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Same thing with me. No luck on my affiliate website. I am struggling to learn this though and thank you for your inputs here too. I always find your comments very useful and helpful. Good luck on integrating your online store. 7 things every new business owner should follow in order to succeed

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I think this will be a great idea instead of continuing in what is not working one can be creative about it.I think having an online store would bring more customers because they might perceive it better safe than just an affiliate link which they might see as spam.

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I have a team in the office that handles the project for the conversion of a computer system. Whenever I would be able to assemble a good team, the project would be finished earlier and errors were minimized. On the other hand, I had also experienced having a team with not so good members that the project suffered. In business, it is important that your team of workers are all good starting from the lowly janitor up to the manager. Having a bad apple in the team may contaminate the others.

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