
Indexing problem- Blog

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Indexing problem- Blog


I have a question. My website's home page has been indexed by google along with the contact us page. However, the and the individual URL of the articles are not being indexed. Site has been up for two weeks. Google is not raning it but yahoo and Bing has my site on first page. So I am wondering, what might be the case, why google is not indexing the articles the Blog url.

My content is unique. I have over 4000 words in my blog and I will be adding 1 article of 1000 words per week.

Thanks a lot.


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Do you have a sitemap? If not then it may be a good idea to create one and link it somewhere in your footer. That will make Google much more likely to crawl through your blog posts and index it. It may just be a timing thing as well so ensure that you are patient. Sometimes Google can take weeks and sometimes even months to crawl through newer sites so that may just be the case with your site.

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Hello. I have a sitemap created. All my pages are indexed by google now as I submitted the all my links in the search console.

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That is good to hear. I wasn't aware that you could submit links for them to crawl through? How does it work and is it as effective as just letting Google come across your content on your site?

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I had read in several discussions that there is no precise period for search engines to act on our site. Even the SEO methods that we do like the backlinks and the keywords, sometimes it takes a long while before you seen any development. I guess the crawlers are in the same league that we just have to be patient when we do something that will improve the traffic. When the result cannot be seen then just wait.

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Well, If you’ve just launched a site and you excitedly scoured through Google to see your site listed, relax.It usually takes Google at least a few days to index a new site. If several days have already passed and you still haven’t seen any results, it could mean that Google is having trouble indexing your site—and that usually means you’re having an issue with a sitemap. If you haven’t yet created or uploaded a properly formatted sitemap, that could be your problem. Once corrected, you can “force” Google to crawl
your website through Webmaster Tools.

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Thank you. Bing and Yahoo was able to crawl my site they were able to indexed all pages. I forced Google to index my urls and all are indexed now. Indexing problem- Blog

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I am glad you figured it out with the help of others on this site. It can be confusing to figure these things out sometimes, but there is usually someone who can help you along. That is one of the reasons that this site is so helpful to new people or those new to earning online.

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I think you have to check your robots. txt and other crawling issues. You can see that if you wish to get your content crawled then it's helpful for you to check that through the google webmasters blog. This way you'd be able to get idea of why things are not working. Google webmasters tools and the analytics are good option for you to learn about your own site. So I think it depends on how you handle the indexing issue from here.

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You Can submitted in Google webmaster tools

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Thanks everyone for the responses.

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I don’t have an idea why your blog is not ranking in the search result of Google while it is ranking good in other search engines except it may have violated a policy of Google. This discussion is beneficial to me and I have learned something about ranking in Google. I know that to some website owners, the Google ranking is very important because it is the standard in search engines.

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