
Don't get discouraged about an advertising platform not performing, it might just be your ad.

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Don't get discouraged about an advertising platform not performing, it might just be your ad.

When it comes to using something like Adwords or Bing Ads, you may get discouraged when you ad isn't performing. You may think that nothing is going your way and that paid advertising is just a hoax where the big billion dollar companies just want to take your money. But have you ever pointed the finger at yourself when you try to figure out why you're not making any money through paid advertising?

Not many people think they are the problem when it comes to PPC marketing. You could think that you have the best ad set up and it's the platforms fault that you're not making any money, which isn't true at all. Every time I hear a sob storty from someone wasting a bunch of money in Adwords or Bing Ads it always boils down to the fact that their ads suck, their targeting is garbage and their CPC is so low that they are only going to get bottom feeders to their website.

About Your Ads:
You need to have your ad set up so that it's enticing. You can't just put up something that says "We sell car parts!" and expect it to be a huge hit within the automotive industry. You will need to spice it up a bit and have something like "Over 300,000 car parts in stock!" or "We sell the best car parts in the world!" I personally like getting a number in the ad title, but that's just me Don

The title of your ad is what people will see first. You need to make it as compelling as possible, and add some numbers in there, in order to get people to click through. If you have a bland ad, it will just blend in with the wall of text and you won't get as many clicks as you think you should be.

You'll need to split test a bunch of ads and see what works best. Remove the low performers in order to get the better ads more spotlight. After a couple of weeks you should have 1 or 2 top performing ads running and pulling in traffic every single day Don

The body of your ad needs to be compelling too. You can't just rely on your title to win over the clicks, you need to have a second line of attack and that is the description. Your title will catch their eye, but your description will get them to click. Talk about your sales, your bonuses, why you're the best, why people should click through, etc. Highlight what is good about your website and people will click through.

About Your Keywords:
Most people think that they can just upload 1,000 keywords and make a million dollars over the next 12 months because of all the clicks they are going to get. This simply isn't true because you could be targeting broad match keywords which will get you on hundreds of thousands of websites that aren't related to what you sell, but you'll get clicks anyway. You'll basically be wasting your money on clicks because you don't know what keywords to target and how to target.

Work with a set of maybe 25 or 50 keywords at the most, in the beginning. If my keywords are basic enough, I will do a broad match because they aren't likely to get placed on random websites that aren't related. If I have some long tailed keywords, I will typically do an exact match target so that I don't end up on a reptile website and I'm selling car tires lmao Don I've seen it happen, and that's why I used it as an example Don Get targeted with your keywords at first and broaden your horizons over time. You are just starting off so you won't want to waste much on random clicks. Watch your Opportunities that the platforms will give you, sometimes there are nice little keyword gems in there that you didn't think of, but the platform thinks you should be targeting Don

About Your CPC:
Every platform will give you a "Suggested Bid" but I try to bid low in the beginning to see where I can start getting sales. I will figure out how low I can go in order to get clicks and I will figure out what the page 1 bids are. After I have that info I will then average it and get my own CPC bid. If the lowest CPC I can bid to get clicks is $4.10 and the suggested is $4.30 then the average of those would be $4.20 per click, and that's what I'll bid. This usually works well and will get you on the top of page 2 for your ads. You will get those random sales from people who do click over to page 2, which isn't bad, but not great at the same time. I will do this in the beginning just to get a few sales in and then I will bootstrap my profits. If I make $45 a day profit, I will then increase my CPC or my daily budget in order to not exceed $45. When I get to $75 I will then boost it again and I'll keep doing this until I hit the ceiling for profits. At this point I can get super refined and figure out exactly what will work and what won't. You can figure all of this out early on, but it takes a lot more time since you're on a limited budget. It's easier to test at $75 a day than it is at $15 a day Don But since I only have a small list of maybe 50 keywords that are exact match, I know all of my traffic is super targeted and is likely to convert, so I don't mind spending more each day because there's a higher chance I will make a sale.

About Your Website:
Yes, your website could be the reason you're not profitable. You could have the best ads, the best keywords to target and even have an in with someone at Google or Bing. None of that will matter if your website isn't user friendly. If people get to your website and it looks like it was designed in 1999, they will usually click away and leave. If your website is loaded with ads, you'll likely see a very high bounce rate because of the lag due to the ads increasing your load times. Even if someone has an amazing computer and can load 100 ads on your site, it will look ridiculous and people will leave.

Set up your website so it's for the people, not for you. You may like how it's all set up and you may feel it's user friendly, but remember that you're the one who built it so of course you will know where everything is lol.

Interlink everything and have your menus stand out so people know how to navigate. Make sure you website is up to date with design techniques and that it's responsive (Mobile Friendly) so that the search engines will like it more. Not having a responsive design will just lose you sales because around 45% of Googles traffic is now through mobile phones.

I did all of the above on a brand new website I launched 2 months ago and it's already making $4,000 profit each month on almost auto pilot. I have a VA setting up the orders, answering emails and sending out newsletters for 20% of my profits, which they are happy about Don I haven't really started to scale this website much, but it's closing in on that day where I open up the flood gates and start making some real cash Don Now the only reason I can do this in a shorter amount of time than most people is because I've been doing stuff like this since 2003. I know what to do, what to look for, when to pull the trigger and when to back off of something. If you're new to the online marketing game, I would suggest that you take it slow and use your new experiences as a learning tool so you know how to do everything quicker the next time Don

In Conclusion:
Making money online is tough, but you can do it. Your ads may suck, your bids may suck and your targeting may suck. The good thing about all of that is it can be fixed overnight and you can get back on the right track and make some profits Don Get targeted, crunch the numbers and don't take a ton of chances in the beginning. When you're profitable, then you can take chances Don

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People need to realise that you need an extremely good advertising campaign if it is to succeed. There is no point having your advertisement all over the internet if it does not attract clicks well enough. And the other important factor like you explained is the actual website. If your website does not look good enough or does not have good quality content then people will instantly click off. You need to make sure that you give your visitors a reason to stay on your website and browse around

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Yeah, most people don't know that to succeed or get your desired result through Ads banner and co. you need serious mentor ship and you have to learn some few tips and guidelines. most of them just get to waste the bucks by sparing their Ads over cyber space, and at the end of the day, they get no action or required expectations as per relative to the Ads.
There are things to that needs to be in place for an Ads to perform well. they called Ads pillars, which are very important and you just stated most of them. nice article

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I agree that you don’t just jump into an advertising program or scheme without even knowing the nuances of advertising. Take for instance the Facebook Ads that you think is an ordinary platform but it is not. I had seen how it works and I’d say it is really effective. One time my uncle sent me a message to ask about a certain product because he said he saw my name in the ad that I liked the product. It’s a neat trick because I never click on any ads in Facebook. My uncle was encouraged to inquire about the product simply because he thought I had used it already.

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I agree with you, and the points you brought up are very good. I think people often are quick to blame the platform when their ads don't work, but they don't realize that advertising is an industry and craft on its own and some people have spent their whole lives just perfecting what they do. It's best to find out first what are the best and most efficient ways of making an ad before actually spending money on it so that the money is not wasted and instead can work efficiently and effectively.

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Learning in progress,This is a good one.I do believe strongly that it not how far it how well we do things,Ads should be catchy,compelling and enticing to get the best from an ads banners.More compelling words should be used to have responsive clicks from people.

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When you say about your ads, that means you have created an ad that is not effective. That is the reason why copywriters exist in the real world. They are the right people to create the marketing item for you because they are not only well versed with writing but also has the knack for gauging the likes and dislikes of the intended audience. But if you have no budget then you probably have to study the successful ads, the quality and style that you can imitate.

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