
Why you should let a millenial handle your marketing

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Why you should let a millenial handle your marketing

Hiring millenials to do your marketing may be a step forward for your business. When you think Millennials, you think a spoiled brat that is entitled, but they are growing up fast. The idea of millenials being the brats and spoiled teens could be a thing of the past pretty soon since they're starting to graduate college now and getting "real" jobs. They're learning that they have to earn their own way through life and no one will just hand it to them. For this reason, the eager ones will stand out and want to learn while making your business better Why you should let a millenial handle your marketing

Since millenials grew up with technology, they likely know how to use it like everyone else, probably better. When we were kids we had to go outside and play, but now kids can stay in all day and keep entertained due to all the advancements over the years. This also goes into social media and websites because they grew up with them, unlike us. Millenials are 100x more tech savvy than I was at their age and it's because they have a massive amount of information at their fingertips because of their phones. The ones who are on their phones more are usually the best ones to hire for social media marketing since you likely don't have to train them on how to post and what to post lol Why you should let a millenial handle your marketing

Bringing a millennial on to do your marketing could potentially open up new ideas that you hadn't thought of because you're just not "hip" anymore lol. They see things in a different light and can show you what their generation is up to.

While I've already mentioned it, you probably already knew that millenials were extremely tech savvy and are comfortable with everything online marketing need you likely have. In fact, there was a study that showed 41% of millenials were so comfortable with technology that they would rather communicate using text, chat systems or email rather than a phone call or talk in person. This just shows they grew up with these systems and it's what they're comfortable with. Millenials are probably a good candidate for working remotely and still getting the job done. They're likely not the type of person to put behind a desk in a corporate scene, no matter how laid back it is. I would suggest, if you hire someone like this, to have a 3 month period where they have to come into the office and then offer them a telecommuting position which allows them to not have to come into the office. Obviously you'll want to weed out the bad seeds so that you aren't giving this position to someone that won't perform, but they will likely weed themselves out within 3 months anyway Why you should let a millenial handle your marketing

Millenials Love Learning (they really do)
When you think of a millenial you think of someone that is just at a rally or petition fighting oil companies. The fact is that the majority of them are behind a book learning in order to obtain a great job when they get out of college. The sterotype is what's killing their image, and we all know how bad stereotypes can get.

They know more than just what the most popular hashtag is for twitter, facebook and Instagram. They can open your eyes to new methods on how to bring in a younger generation wanting to purchase from you, which you may have missed out. They won't just work on what they're told, they will help advance the company because they know that their position will have a lot of applications if they end up getting fired. They will push to be great since they know there were many other people you could have hired over them.

They already know how to collaborate
It's been proven that millenials collaborate pretty well with a group of other people to get a task done. The only thing is that you will need to have it written in stone as to what they are suppose to do. Don't expect them to know what you're thinking because if it's not written down, they likely won't do it because they're not sure if someone else was doing it or you just didn't want it done at the time. On the other hand, they will likely do the work you're thinking of doing but they won't submit it until you want it done. I've noticed a lot of people beginning to do this because it will actually lessen your own workload down the road. It's like you're doing twice the amount of work now in order to get a day off later, and it works pretty well.

That being said, millenials have great imaginations and you shouldn't cage them with specific duties. Let their minds wander and come up with ideas on how to do certain things to increase work flow as well as new ways to generate income, bring in traffic and overall make the business better. It sound a little contradictory, but that's how it all works out since not everyone is cut from the same cloth.

They welcome feedback
Most of the time when your boss or superior gives you feedback, you think it's going to be a bad thing. With millenials, they welcome the feedback because they see it as a form of mentorship and they can grow from it. They grew up with people always giving them feedback so they're use to it. If you don't give them any sort of feedback on their work, they will think that they're doing everything right and won't change it much because they feel that's what you're wanting.

You'll also want to get feedback on yourself by asking them how you're doing. It will make them feel like a valued member of the team and their work performance will likely increase. You can also ask them how they think their work has been coming along, have they hit any snags and if they need any help with something. Reassuring people, not just millenials, that you're always there to help them out in a jam is a great way to build work confidence.

In Conclusion:
By hiring millennials for your marketing campaigns you are hiring someone who is already tech savvy, knows their way around social media and is in touch with the younger generation. These are 3 requirements of any good online marketer, regardless of their age. It's up to you to find the right person who will mesh well with your company though Why you should let a millenial handle your marketing

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Depends on the millennials and from which country and society they originate from. Because if American millennials have these characteristics, Russian millennials may have a slighter different persona, more like the X generation.

But all this aside I don't really agree. Late millennials are egocentric in nature and tend to think very highly of themselves. Sure, they know a lot about technology and can adapt easily to a technological environment, but overall I do believe they are kinda spoiled and self-absorbed. Facebook and Instagram broke something inside these kids. lol.

Even though they haven't yet reached maturity and haven't entered the workforce I have a lot more sympathy and hope for the Generation Z. They are hugely independent and tech savvy as well as highly driven and unaffected by emotions the way Millenials are.

Overall, yeah, you need millennials in your team if you plan to have an online marketing success. But try picking the good ones that stay away from drama as well as focusing the directing on the campaign into credible grounds, millennials tend to be very creative but know little about the world outside the computer screen.

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Not all people born before 2000 are technically unfamiliar. In that case, the preference of younger people strikes me as really unjustified discrimination. I mean, I'm sure a great percentage of people born from 1970 to 2000 know quite a bit about computers and whatnot, simply cause they've been alive all this time. Who are we kidding here? It's not like your hiring people from the 19th century, lol.

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In this topic, my take depends on the product or service that you are selling. Like if you are selling old musical record or antique items, I don’t think the millennials can make a difference. But for modern items particularly clothing, for sure the millennials have the advantage as a marketing person. I had been to Lotte Young Plaza in Seoul a few months back. It is a big mall that is dedicated exclusively for the millennials so seniors like me are out of place. As one supervisor there said, that’s where the money is – millennial clients.

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If you have products targeted towards youth, marketing with millenials will surely help because they know the generation better. However, if your target customers belong to old generation marketing with millenials will give you no results. millenials know the current market more that's for sure, however, success largely depends on your product types and target customers.

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