
Your dumb idea can be profitable - Here's Why.

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Your dumb idea can be profitable - Here's Why.

Remember when your teacher told you "There's never a dumb question" well she was right. I bet you never asked her if there were dumb ideas, because her response would have been "F*ck yes there are plenty of dumb ideas!"..... Well, she might not have said it exactly like that lol.

A dumb idea can be profitable online if you target the right (dumb) people. If you're selling a cat leash so you can walk your cat outside, it's a dumb idea, but someone will buy it. The majority of cats, probably 99.9% of them, don't like to be on a leash because they're free spirits and do what they want. So putting a leash on them will annoy the sh*t out of them and they'll just flail around like they're stuck in a bear trap. But I'm sure if you go on Google right now and type in "Cat Leash" there will be hundreds of different types from various companies for sale. You can probably get one with rhinestones on it if you want to be classy/flashy lol.

The idea for this discussion didn't come up when I was thinking of dumb cat leashes, the idea of it started when I saw someone mailing potatoes to customers. People are actually paying a website to write, or print, a message on a potato and mail it to themselves, a friend or a colleague. I'm sure there are plenty of purchases through this website specifically for sending potatoes to someone a person got in a secret santa at work lol.

The websites I'm talking about, and I hate that I'm about to share it, is I'm not even going to link to them because it's such a dumb idea, so just copy and past the URL into your search bar lol.

This company allows you to write a custom message on a potato and send it wherever you want. If you want to get fancy, you can even have the screen print a picture onto the potato, for an additional fee of course. These damn potatos even sell for upwards of $45 a piece wtf! I like how it shows "As seen on Shark Tank" like they were some big hit and they really just got laughed off set by the investors.

So if you ever think that your idea is dumb, just remember that someone is dumb enough to buy a potato with their message on it for $45 lol. They could literally go to the store and buy 10 potatoes for $6, a sharpie for $4 and then write on their own potatoes...

Lol, thanks for reading Your dumb idea can be profitable - Here

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Great post now I must say this is something totally different. When I clicked on your discussion I didn't think it be about cat leashes or potato LOL. But you are right the dumbest things in the world can make you money or even inventions. The other year I saw on TV a few dumb invention's for example a shed which was a car lol or stupid things which some people do want .

Anything is possible in this world the silliest thought in your mind could be a good one or maybe a dumb one but hey some are making a profit of them. Anyway good post Razzy Mate.

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I don’t actually call them dumb ideas but maybe just ideas of eccentric people. In offline life, we see how some people do things that are out of logic. There’s a lot of them, rich or poor, they are there. As the saying goes, they walk among us. Anyway, if your site caters to such eccentricity, I’m sure that will be readers because it is entertaining. No offense to some but such weird ideas can tickle you mind and if you have nothing to do, it’s nice to read that you can turn the ashes of your cremated relative into a bead that is like a gem. Isn’t it amusing?

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