
20+ Fun Ways to Be Creative and Find Inspiration Part 1

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20+ Fun Ways to Be Creative and Find Inspiration Part 1

Hello all! I was reading some posts earlier on here that was talking about ways in which you can be creative and come up with ideas for content for your own website or marketing campaigns etc. And it got me thinking, and got me writing down some things (a list) in my notepad. Ways in which you can be and stay creative so that it keeps the inspiration and creativity juices flowing in your mind! 20+ Fun Ways to Be Creative and Find Inspiration Part 1

I've actually listed down about 25 different fun ways to be and stay creative but here's 10 for now as the others are only lists right now and I need to add some more to them to give them some more context as to why they are good and fun ways to be and stay creative!

1. Make Up Lists of Things

Lists are very creative in nature and lists are also very helpful to people too. Think of all the things you could make a list of. It's practically endless. After all, this post started with a simple list idea. 20+ Fun Ways to Be Creative and Find Inspiration Part 1

2. Carry a Notebook Everywhere

You might be surprised on just how much you jot down about your day when you carry a notebook around with you. And it's great fun to look back on at the end of the day/week/month and year! More than that, it's a go-to resource for ideas and inspiration.

3. Try Free Writing

Instead of researching a topic to write about, test yourself on how much you know about something by free writing about it. Again, you might surprise yourself on how knowledgeable you are! Before you know it, you could knock out a 1000 word article on the subject!

4. Get Off The Computer!

The computer can be a great tool for doing research on and building your empire on. As well as useful for finding ideas to be creative. But don't neglect the simple joys and simplicities of life outside which can bring refreshing and inspiration! Go outside and talk to people!

5. Don't Beat Yourself Up!

This one isn't so much a way to be creative as it is some life wisdom. I was sitting there thinking man; I can't think of nothing! And some people are hard on them selves when they can't find inspiration and ways to be creative. But don't beat yourself up over it!

6. Take Breaks

Breaks are important. Very important. That's why we have them! It's why we have holidays/vacations, to get away from what you're doing, collect your thoughts and find the energy to continue. Take a break! You'll be rewarded for it with more energy and gusto in creativity!

7. Sing In The Shower

My personal favorite! Although I more whistle and hum or listen to music on my shower radio. Singing releases endorphins and studies show that listening to music can increase dopamine levels by as much as 9%. Sing, hum or just listen to music for an improvement in creativity.

8. Go Somewhere New

If you're surrounded by the same surroundings and people and places, you wont find the same inspiration for creativity. So go somewhere new, somewhere else, somewhere you've never been before. You'll find more ideas and creativity that way.

9. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Very similar to number 8 but with a twist. Sometimes to get creative we have to step outside our comfort zone. Think about what that might mean doing to you and don't over think it - just do it!

10. Hang Around Creative People

If you want to be a creative person, hang out with creative people. Stanley Kubrick used to hang out with other movie directors and innovators in the movie production scene and that's where he got most of his inspiration from. Be like Stan! 20+ Fun Ways to Be Creative and Find Inspiration Part 1

Okay so that's 10 fun ways to be creative and find inspiration. I hope you'll like them and make use of them. As I said, I still have some more of these which I've jotted down and I'll get round to posting them later on or tomorrow or something.

Meanwhile get creative!

What other fun ways are there to get creative and find inspiration as a writer or content marketer?


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I must say mate what a great inspirational post Its got me thinking while reading this and already got ideas floating around my head.
The go some where new one I really need to do as day in day out its the same old same old for me bit like the film groundhog day with bill murray if you seen it. Kind of like da ja vue everything the same I do kind of like work and no play.

But I will think more about this and work differently a change of scenery may just help my creativity.

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I used to have a sheet of folder bond paper for my note pad where I write ideas that come to my head. But lately I have been using the smart phone to note down what I needed to remember. That’s the problem with ideas, when it enters my head, it will be gone in 1 minute and I wouldn’t remember it hence I had to jot it down. That point where you said go somewhere new is what I’m doing because I travel a lot. In fact, I had been to 7 countries last year of 2017 and I have to say that I gathered a ton of ideas from the places, people and things that I saw in my travels.

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