
What to do after Google Adsense Banned ?

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What to do after Google Adsense Banned ?

Recently my google adsense got banned . I agree that there might be some mistake from my side .
It is very difficult to get reinstated. But the question is , what should i do now to monetize my website ?

I would appreciate some honest feedback. Kindly suggest some adsense alternative .


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you can make new one but make some changes in your name or address just spelling change or if you have any anthor address

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Reinstating your banned account is impossible. Once banned, applying for another account is not possible. However, I know people who have done this. If you have high traffic and quality contents, you can apply for is an advertising program from Yahoo Bing. If you are not accepted on this program, you can try other programs like infolinks, chitika etc.

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