
Bitcoin Vs Gold in 2016 which was the better investment?

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Bitcoin Vs Gold in 2016 which was the better investment?

Now that we ate a little over 2 weeks away to the end of the year. Holiday season is here we should take a look at our current investments into Bitcoin and Gold. Many people have trusted into Gold as the safe haven for investments. If you take a look at the gold investment for the last 12 months you will see around 8% increase in that time which is still better than anything banks have to offer. But is it better than BTC?

Gold Chart Below:

Bitcoin Vs Gold in 2016 which was the better investment?

Bitcoin told a different story in 2016. The exciting rollercoaster has now insured investors that its here to stay and that it could be the next gold. People still consider it to be way to volatile to invest into. How did it do is the question rite? Bitcoin increased 100% so far this year and i think we will get another 5-10% increase before the years up. If gold reached 10% it will only be equal to 10% of Bitcoins growth over the last 12 months.

Bitcoin 12 month chart below:

Bitcoin Vs Gold in 2016 which was the better investment?
If you invested into either of these guys you are a happy camper you did well this year. What interest me more is if Bitcoin increased 100% this year and we still have so far to go what will the price be at the end of 2017? I have made some predictions already but what do you guys think about this? Should you buy Bitcoin is it really better than gold? I think it is and i have so many reasons why!

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I doubt gold will ever be able to increase in value like Bitcoin can. I have had Gold Kruger Coins and the value doesn't increase so much. I think Gold will go out... I mean what can you really do with Gold?

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You cannot purchase anything with gold and it just sits. The dynamic of Bitcoin makes Gold old news. If you want a true asset that doesn't put you at risk as far as burglary Bitcoin is the safest choice. I am not saying that you shouldn't invest into BTC im just saying that in 2016 it was not the best investment.

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I think the better investment is of course Bitcoin. Gold is old. I put Gold in the same category as silver, bronze, and other metals. Surely we need it to conduct things such as electronics. However, it doesn't have the positive dynamic as Bitcoin does. Gold jumps in prices, and decreases far too often. One week gold 1k, then the next 1.4k, then the next $3k>. It's very unpredictable, as the price seems to spikes whenever people need it or if someone claims a country doesn't have gold, etc..

Bitcoin on the other hand is somewhat more predictable, and is used as a virtual currency, in which you can actually purchase things over the internet. Can you buy a laptop over the internet with a few gold pieces? Nope!

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"... Gold jumps in prices, and decreases far too often. ... Bitcoin on the other hand is somewhat more predictable, ..."

(???) This conversation is from only 2 years ago (2016).

Have you seen the 2018 reports? They are not pretty!

Per the historical records:

* Bitcoin was created as a digital currency in 2009 by a person we don't even know!

* Gold as a currency has been around since before Jesus was born!
The Evolution Of Currency: From Gold To Bitcoin

I'm not sure for investment purposes that this is even a fair comparison.

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Adding on to my comment some news that might be relevant.

Self-proclaimed Satoshi Craig Wright is being sued for stealing his partner’s bitcoin
Article by Russell Brandom Feb 26, 2018, 4:28pm EST

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When it comes to investment, it is not the surge of value that really matters but the stability of the commodity’s value. Gold is the most respected commodity especially if you consider that the US currency is backed up by gold reserves. I don’t think it is a good idea to compare a pseudo currency with a time tested commodity like gold in the market because a pseudo currency can be gone tomorrow without a trace while gold will stay for a long time.

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