
Make Money Answering Questions with JustAnswer?

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Make Money Answering Questions with JustAnswer?

Hello. If you're knowledgeable in a specific area or something in general. No real matter what the industry or niche is that you're interested in. Then you can get paid for your answers using
Make Money Answering Questions with JustAnswer?
The way JustAnswer works is, if someone has a question on something or needs some help and advice. They submit their question, along with a deposit based on that questions worth. Then you request to answer it, then when you do, the question answer can choose whether they are satisfied with your answer or not. If they are, they submit their payment and then you get paid. What could be easier than that!?

Questions that people ask can range from $22 to $116. You just have to make sure the answer you give people is a proper answer and really addresses their question in full. If the question asker isn't happy with the answer, they can reject it and get their deposit back.

With tons of categories to choose from. From Legal to Medical. Veterinary to Mechanic. Computer to Home Improvement & General. There's many categories and areas which you can choose to answer questions in. And get paid for it too.

JustAnswer also has a generous referral system as well. Even if you’re not an expert n something and can't answer any questions. You can still get a $75 Amazon gift card by just referring an expert. to them.

Also another cool thing about JustAnswer is that they allow you to embed their question and answer gadget to your site. That offers a unique way for your readers to get answers to their questions. And you'll earn 40% of their fees that they pay to ask a question.

I've never personally used JustAnswer to answer questions with myself. And I've never even asked a question on JustAnswer before. Although I have been aware of the site for a while. I thought I'd share it here with you to see if anyone has used it before.

Have you ever used JustAnswer before? As a question asker or answer maker?


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Thanks Mike, what an awesome opportunity to not only make money but also to reinforce yourself as an authority in your niche.

This is the first I have heard about them, so thanks for making me aware of them. I wonder how much extra money I could make answering questions about addiction... hmmm the brain is ticking into overdrive again.

You know that I struggle to buy anything from Amazon from my country which really sucks because I think I would be able to sign up a good number of people. Now I am thinking back to the discussion of selling gift cards for cash... maybe I can make a really good go of this? It certainly is interesting.

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Thanks Mike for letting me know about this website. Seems like a great deal!
It doesn't seem to be the best platform in the world but this is the first time I'm seeing a paid Q&A type websites. In essence, it should be a good idea, a lot of people out there have very specific and professional questions regarding various things, it only makes sense for the once that provide a high-quality answer to get paid accordantly.

Are the one-on-one talks also paid? Because that would be awesome!

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Wow, - That seems truly amazing!
But it also looks like you really have to be a SUPER expert in a specific field, right?

I mean, an expert like a real doctor with degrees and diplomas etc.

$22 for one single answer is amazing indeed. Especially if you could answer multiple questions per day. That would be awesome indeed, but $116?! - That's like a DREAM. Seriously.

Just imagine to answer.. Well, let's say 25 unique questions per day.. And all of them $116 questions.. That's $1900 per day.

I bet it's really difficult to use a site like this, and use it as a source of "real" income so to speak. I guess one would be lucky if you could get paid for one question per week or something.. And I bet you'll have zero chance to make this your main income, but hey, people didn't believe in Facebook either at first.

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Thank you for sharing this. I took a look at it as it seems to be an interesting opportunity. From what I could see it seems that the person answering the question needs to set up a professional looking profile so as to show his/her credibility in that sector. There also seem to be many medical and legal related questions. I guess that apart from earning money you feel really good about the fact that you are helping out the person who posed the question. I love that factor as it gives more value to what you are doing.

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I wonder if they have a crypto currency category!?!?!?!? With the industry still being so new so many people have no idea what it is. One of my goals is to start a business that educates people and helps them make the rite investment. I am going to check out this site i have already signed up for the Iwriter site and me ad my wife are brainstorming how we are going to get the time to dedicate over on that site. I always love finding new ways to make money because my old ways seem to be fading fast and im losing alot of clients and momentum. Awesome share this looks like a great site to start a small little profit.

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I have noticed an increase of these paid question-answer sites, especially for medical purposes. I think after Quora took off, people decided to create their own versions of a question-answer site but to monetize it. The cost of these website's for a single answer is pretty expensive in my honest opinion. I, myself, would never go to a paid question-answer because of the ridiculous amount of money the question author has to fork over. Platforms such as this CD, or even Quora are much better in terms of quality, and information. I would never trust an answer if I had to pay for it..

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If you're very good at something, you should consider creating courses as well, which are being sold of course for a solid price (imagine a place like Seocheckout but with courses) - visit the popular . I can't use it because I live in a country where receiving funds on Paypal is not an option and for now PP is their only option.

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This does look like a good website to make money from the expertise. It's just that there are some variables which makes it odd to join.

1. You have to be expert in field.
2. That field needs to have people who pay some good money for questions and answers.
3. You have to find out some good questions on regular basis to make money.

if you can get all of those parts working then surely it can make you good money. Otherwise not much can be expected from such type of websites.

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Gee, this looks like a good site to earn good money from. However, I fully understand that answering question should be in the professional way. In other words, you need to be an expert in the subject matter otherwise you will just ruin your reputation. Now this gets me thinking - what really is my expertise? Hmm, perhaps I can be in IT or in systems and procedures.

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One thing I learned in a JustAnswer review is that they pay through Paypal only. If that's true, many people cannot participate in this program whose country doesn't support Paypal.

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