
I'm seriously interested in Kindle eBooks - And to publish ebooks!

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I'm seriously interested in Kindle eBooks - And to publish ebooks!

Kindle. Kindle Ebooks. Kindle Store. = Profit.

I'm an author and I've written and sold a handful of eBooks until now but I've never really been in to all this "kindle-things". However, I've just recently become more and more interested and I'm actually curious to find out if I can earn something by publishing Kindle Ebooks, and that's why I'm here now. - Do you have any Kindle experience at all?

I will most likely purchase a Kindle course very shortly but before I do, I just thought I'd try to get a bit more information about this whole thing. So feel free to share anything you you might know about it.

I've heard many good things about the course I'm about to buy, and the product is created by a superb Kindle seller who earns 6-digits each year.. And the best part is, that he doesn't write the books himself! - Which is why I'm sort of "hooked" on this. I

Anyhow, let me know! I

Best Regards,


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I would say go for it, you have nothing to lose, but lots to gain from this most probbaly. First of all you already have some experience with your ebooks, and secondly, Kindle is a very good niche. It is a good idea to start off with the course. Good luck!

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Thank you EliteWriter, I appreciate it. - I will give Kindle a shot, but I haven't been able to do it yet. Due to personal reasons, I will pull the plug on most of my freelancing things from 2017, but Kindle will be one of those things I will still try.

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I want to but a Kindle for a long time now, but the more I think about it the more I realize I don't really need another table laying around the house not being used. I live to spend my money wisely but I don't think buying a Kindle will be one of them.

Sure there is a huge market out there for Kindle ebooks, but I personally don't think it will grow any larger, the Kindle "fever" seems to have calmed down. Nevertheless I bet there will be no problem in having a Kindle version of the ebook and a PDF one, right?

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That is true Cristian. - There's a few options out there which you can use to convert your PDF's to Kindle format actually. However, I haven't tried any of them myself yet, and I bet there'll be some issues while doing it. Nothing is usually that simple. I

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Well, i am not even sure what the difference between a kindle ebook, and a regular ebook is.. so let me do a little research *goes to google*

So apparently there is different types of ebooks. And apparently you can only read kindle ebooks on the kindle.. makes sense. Great for Amazon to create a product that can only read certain types of file format, which in return increases their market share or something?

I have never been successful with ebooks. I have tried it during the ebook frenzy (when they first appeared) and had little success. I think the only ebook i sold was a short story, and it only had 2 sales. I do not even remember what the story was about, but it was a children's book.. this was years and years ago..

Perhaps now that the average person understands exactly what an ebook is, maybe I could have more success? Who knows, I will not "knock" it until I try again. I have always wanted to publish a book, so I could mark it off my list of things to do whilst I am still alive, a successful book that is. So, @hitmeasap, you should definitely try it, if it is something you can do, and have the time to do. I wish you an abundance of success. I

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Andre why not try out Amazon self publishing? I am going to give that a go with my next ebook just to see how it goes. You just have to have it written on Word and they will convert everything for you which is cool.

I have also published my ebook at SmashWords as a Kindle and various other formats too. Once again I uploaded it on Word and they converted it to all the right formats. I haven't made any sales there yet though.

I chose SmashWords because you don't have to keep it exclusive to SmashWords. I was so keen to try Amazon self publishing but since my ebook is listed on a few marketplaces I can't. You have to keep your ebook exclusive to Amazon for 90 days before you can publish elsewhere I

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I have published many kindle ebooks with my real name and pen name. I have also written so many kindle ebooks for clinets. Currently, I am working on a kindle ebook for a client.
Publishing on Amazon kindle is very easy. First, you have to develop a manuscript. Your manuscript should be original. You might be banned if you try t publish stolen contents. Eeven if you scrap your own articles and try to publish on Kindle your account might be blocked. In order to publish on Kindle you need original content. Once you have the manuscript, click add title link on your dash board, give a title, author name and other details, then upload your manuscript in word or PDF. The next step is create a cover. If you have a ready made cover, you can upload it, you can also create a cover by using cover creator feature. Once done, you can hit publish. You also have to add bank details and fill tax form.

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I'd say kindle eBooks can be profitable. But there seems to be a lot of competition. And people are churning out books like mad. And getting them to rank is a bit harder. I'd say you should do some research. And also do some cost vs benefits for the time spent. That way you can get the idea on how and where you should be putting out the effort. Most likely that way you can get lot better ROI. I'd be skeptical of the publishing in this space though. I prefer publishing ebooks only in the niche where I have some sort of assurance for things going properly good enough.

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