
how can I contact the potential buyer?

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how can I contact the potential buyer?

Hi friends

i ask a question i can the send same message for each buyer that answer is no

how can I write the message and send the each buyer for every day at least 20to30 buyer daily

please give me right answer.


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Hello franklin7,
What do you mean and why would you like to send buyers a message? - Are you talking about buyers from the WTB section?
As you might have noticed, you can't send the same message to multiple people as that will be considered as spam. - Spamming is not allowed and you will receive infractions for doing so.

What you need to do, is to contact each potential client of yours personally, and send one message for each client.

Note that you can't send regular users messages and offer them your services either. That kind of behavior will be reported and also ultimately lead to an infraction.

Best Regards,

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I am a buyer and I don't appreciate being contacted via private message at all by sellers out of the blue. Imagine every single seller decided that the best way to reach potential customers was to send them a private message? My inbox would be bombarded.

If I want to buy something I will go and look in the marketplace or I will create a WTB that sellers can bid on.

I have been contacted by a number of sellers here and my standard response is to press the report button and let Seocheckout know that I have been spammed. This could impact the seller and may even result in an infraction.

I don't like getting spam, here or anywhere else.

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