
Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn? Debate

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Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn?

A couple of months ago I wrote my first article on LinkedIn in my way off developing my account to the "All Star" point. Got a decent number of view and helped a lot with my credibility, the actual result was way over my initial expectations.
Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn?
Since then I've followed some advice given by Mike and Razzy about LinkedIn, I've filtered and made connections with a lot of CEOs, got a lot of recommendations and I get a job proposal every once a week or two, nothing too serious that would make me leave my current job, but still, very impressive stuff by just adding people as connections, no PMs, no nothing.

I want to take this LinkedIn thing to another level but I don't know what my end goal should be.

I guess I'm looking for long term clients that have enough cash to hire me and give me a trial period to prove my worth. I don't really want another full-time job, I already work at the best agency in town and I don't really want to move.

A second goal would be getting a big job overseas, something like US, Canada or New Zealand. Not so sure about this either, though.

So what should I do? Should I write 2 good articles a month help? I definitely want to create a slideshare, should I create at least one slideshare per month too?

For example, if I want to target US clients, should I make connections with CEOs or managers? What should I say in the PMs, straight out list my services or just have start a conversation first?


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LinkedIn is a great platform, and if you use it wisely you can benefit a great deal from it. I was impressed about the possibilities available on LinkedIn as I wrote an article on it a week ago and so I needed to do quite a bit of research. In terms of a company or a professional person, you can really gain a great deal as you can get out there, become more credible and reach out to many connections who can come in handy as time goes by, both in terms of job possibilities, or customers or partners if you are a business.

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That article sounds familiar LOL.

Thanks, you really did a great job writing that article!

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Oh yes. I was honestly not that conversant about the site. It was a good thing you ordered it as from the research i learnt a lot and i must say i enjoyed it. It is one of the main benefits of writing articles. Even though it is challenging to write on something you are not that knowledgeable about, it is instructive and inteesting as you learn something new

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Yes you get to learn something new each time, that part of article writing would appeal to me, but only if it as in a niche I am interested in. I have no idea how you cope with writing articles about a boring topic.

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I see no value in Linkedin. Every time i log in i have a load of spam and people trying to sell me products or services. I have had zero success at converting clients on that social media site.

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I do not agree with you there. Linkedin can be very helpful to improve your reputation and credibility. If you manage to make some good connections you can really do well in various aspects; from possible job opportunities, to finding partners who may team up with you in the future, and even prospective clients if you have a business. Moreover the possibility of blogging on Linkedin is another benefit which helps one to improve his credibility and image online. You should check out some articles about Linkedin marketing so as to get a better idea about this platform.

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The success your posts can get to depends on the amount of connections you have. Whenever you post a new article, tutorial or debate, all of your connections will get notified and you may see 10% to 15% coming to see what you posted.

I've found out that people like "How To's" or a title that has a number in it like "7 ways to improve your website" for an example. Whenever I do a post I always have my contact information in the bottom, sometimes I forget, but usually it's there. Even though it's all on my profile, I still put it at the bottom of every post because people are lazy and I might lose a lead or two because they don't want to click through to my profile. It's sad, but it does happen. Give people loads of options, and one of the best is your contact info in your post Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn?

Like I've said before, connecting with CEOs, Presidents, Vice Presidents, etc. will get you past the dreaded "gate keeper" assistant or front desk girl/guy who answers the phones and directs it to the department. And then the person who picks up for the specific department might not forward you. Essentially you're bypassing all of these people which is similar to cutting out the middle man and the people who will shoot you down right away because they can't make a business decision lol.

I recently started linking my slideshare and LinkedIn accounts and notifying all my connections after I post a slideshare. I haven't hat as much time as I'd like to work with slideshare, but I did notice a good amount of views coming in after just my first post on slideshare and sharing it on my profile on LinkedIn. My phone rang a little more for around a week and it was all people who could write the checks for the business Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn?

If you can, post like 2 to 3 times a week on LinkedIn and you'll probably see a good conversion rate. Obviosly you won't be a millionaire overnight, but you'll get a few more clients each month because of it. Cross advertise using slideshare and siphon traffic from both platforms Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn? The slideshare posts will obviously take longer to set up because there's a lot of slides that you have to make, but it's worth it. I would do at least 1 slideshare and cross post it to LinkedIn. So with 2 to 3 posts and at least 1 slideshare post which is cross shared, you should be able to build a good amount of authority and credibility Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn?

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Thanks for the additional tips Razzy! I have almost 2k connections at the moment and maybe half of these connections are decision makers like CEOs. I will filter and remove connection that don't have any potential as well as adding more and more decision makers to my list.

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I wrote one post on LinkedIn over a year ago just as I launched my website about recovery from addiction. I just wrote about being a drug addict and saying that I was going to share my experiences and hopefully help people to get clean.
I get traffic to my website to this day from that one post over a year ago so yes I would say it is worth it

I wrote my second blog post on LinkedIn on Monday since I have written my first eBook for sale and I just wrote about that.

I believe linkedIn can be very beneficial if you post often and I am sure if you are creative enough you can blog about any niche on LinkedIn.

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I see a lot of articles on LInkedIn. Sometimes when I see interesting title, I read these articles. When I like what I read, I follow I build connection with these writers. Nevertheless, prior to reading this article, I never considered that I should write articles on LinkedIn. It never came to me that publishing articles on LinkedIn will help my career.
LinkedIn is a network of professionals. Sometimes I share my article links on LinkedIn and get a decent views on the link I have shared. This has helped me in someway. I don't know whether publishing articles, or sharing link with teaser is more profitable on Linked. I will check this out.

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This is not to brag but I keep getting invitations from people in LinkedIn. I don’t know if they are freelancers like me because they may be using another name that I don’t recognize. However, it looks like LinkedIn is a good network that you can spread your profile to gain connections. I just don’t know if those connections could work for me because I am not full time in freelancing.

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