
How can get refund after cancel order

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How can get refund after cancel order

Dear Sir, I ordered a Facebook promotion related service, but now seller refusing to provide services. What to do how i will get my money back? Please give me solutions.

Thank You
Vilesh Jain


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Don't worry you'll get your money back. The sell isn't actually paid, the seller only gets paid only after he delivers the orders and a certain number of days pass.
I would suggest you follow procoder's and Mike's advice above and contact SC support. I'm sure everything will get fixed. Cheers and Good luck!

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Since the seller has not been working on the order, he is not going to deliver it, and so you are not going to approve it. As the order won't get completed the seller will not get paid. You could opt for a cancelation. State the reason why you are requesting it and probably the seller will agree to canceling it since he does not seem to want to deliver the service anyway. If you see that the seller is not cooperating in any way simply contact support and they will probably cancel the order and you will get a refund immediately

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Don't worry it is safe guaranteed if you shop in here, if the seller did not reply you can ask cancel by contact admin
but you have to clarify anyhting regarding that matter and provide what your problem

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Contact support for assistance. I have had a few problems before with sellers not delivering and support helped me very quickly and efficiently.

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