
Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation

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Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation

Hey everyone,
I know that I haven't been around too much during the last couple of months but that's all going to change. - I've been struggling with some personal things and yeah, I still am, but most of it actually seems to have been settled down. - That being said, even though I'm not 100% back, I'll be around much more than I have been.

So, to start off my "comeback", I'll share some facts about Steemit.

Some of you might have read my "Steemit - A new ERA in Social Media parts", and for those of you who missed them. Here they are:

Steemit - A new ERA in Social Media? - Part 1
Steemit - A new ERA in Social Media? - Part 2
Steemit - A new ERA in Social Media? - Part 3
Steemit - A new ERA in Social Media? - Part 4
Steemit - A new ERA in Social Media? - Part 5

So, let's get this going then, shall we?

Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation

During my time on Steemit, I've managed to reach a reputation of 63. Which honestly, is a decent reputation. I've also gained 298 followers and here's another screenshot of some of my stats:

Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation

So, all in all, my Steemit journey goes quite well and I'm very satisfied with it. However, it's not that easy as it might sound. Honestly speaking, most of my content doesn't bring me the rewards it should.. But that totally depends on how you see things.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Doesn't pay you for your content. And Steemit gives you that chance. You can make money. Newcomers are often struggling, and Steemit is still very new, so a bunch of changes are being made.. And will be made.

That being said, as I'm not native in english, I often spend several hours writing articles.. And because of that, I'm trying to establish myself even further on Steemit so I can start to feature other authors too. - When I do this, I'll keep the SP (steem power) but I will give all the SBD (Steem Dollars) to the original author for his work. - So if any of you are interested, let me know and we'll set something up. - It can be a win/win for both of us. - You can earn Steem dollars and I can earn more Steem power. - With all that being said, I've been withdrawing money since the beginning, and it truly works. - Some people believe it's a scam and I can truly say that it's not. However, it is like a lottery, and that should people be aware of if and when they decide to join.

Best Regards,


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OK Andre I did it, I posted my first story on Steemit but I got so confused. I didn't even get to add a pic of boobs because I couldn't figure out how to add it.

Anyway I just wrote about boobs... hey you said that is what works right? LOL

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That's cool Lynne!
What's your username?

To add pictures within your post, just enter the url for the image in the message box. It's very easy. Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation
You'll also be able to see how the post will look like once you publish it, below the message box.

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Thanks Andre Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation

I always just use my name so you can find me Lynne Huysamen.

I will try and get another post up this week, I am just struggling with time! Thanks for the tip on getting images up. I will add images next time.

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Lynne, you could actually just copy a post from your blog and publish that on Steemit. Just include something like "I'm the original author of this content" or "this content is from my personal blog" or whatever and it's all good.

That way, you might even be able to gain new visitors to your blog too. If you include a url to the blog within your steemit post.

I've seen tons of people doing this, and it's okay. Plagiarism etc is obviously not okay but if you are the owner of the content, then you're totally free to publish it wherever you want to. Even if that include 25 different places online. - That's actually one of the great things about Steemit.

It's obviously up to you, but it's a suggestion at least. Perhaps doing something like that would be a time-saver for you. Steemit - A Follow Up Evaluation

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I am glad you are doing well on Steemit. I honestly wish I had some time to devote to it but at the moment I just cannot keep up with what I have, so it is something that I will have to consider checking out sometime in the future as after all it is another good way to make some extra money, and we have your word that they really do pay.
However since you seem to be doing that well I would like to wish you more luck, and thanks again for sharing this with us.

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Thank you EliteWriter, I appreciate it. Yes, you can earn money, and if and when you do, you can withdraw the funds. In that sense, they are legit and all. However, there's endless advertising campaigns out there about steemit and most of them states this: "Blog & earn". And that's actually misleading in my opinion. You can definitely earn money, but it's not written in stone. It requires tons of time and luck to become established and to earn anything decent. Especially nowadays when things have changed. I don't know exactly how everything works but previously, when I started, I could get about $600 from one single vote. And nowadays, a vote from that same person is worth about $75-100 instead. It has something to do with the volume of Steem Power and such.. But even so, you could still earn a very nice extra income. And if you're lucky, you can score big on your first post too.

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