
Tweet Jukebox is a nifty free tool for Twitter!

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Tweet Jukebox is a nifty free tool for Twitter!

Tweet Jukebox is an online tool that you can use to build up your Twitter following and interactions with.

As soon as you sign up to Tweet Jukebox it comes preloaded with one Jukebox of tweets. A jukebox is simply a collection of tweets. The preloaded tweets are quotes which are really popular on Twitter.

You can set Tweet Jukebox to send out your tweets a certain number of times a day and the times it sends them out.

You can also add in another Jukebox for free and add in your own tweets. You can also attach images to your tweets which is handy.

With the free account you can only connect on Twitter account profile but you can register separately with each account.

The free account limits the amount of tweets in one jukebox and if you take the paid account from $14.95 you can have more tweets per Jukebox, more than two Jukeboxes and you have no limit on the amount of tweets you can send out in one day, plus you can connect more than one Twitter account.

I used Tweet Jukebox for a while and I found it very helpful as other tools like Buffer and Hootsuite you have to keep adding in your content. A jukebox keeps sending out your content so you don't have to schedule content in again once you have entered it.

I have now found a much more powerful tool (Mass Planner) and left Tweet Jukebox, but as a free tool to get started with I highly recommend you check it out!


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Seems like a very cool application. I've never really used any autotweeters in the past, as I mostly don't tweet on twitter. However, I'm sure other marketplace users could benefit by the application. In the past, I used to use Hootsuite but never really liked it as it didn't have all the functions and or features that I wanted.

Mostly, I just use unfollow applications (unfollow those that are not following me back).

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Hey Everett yeah it is a cool application, what I really like is that it is set and forget but it will build engagement and interest in your account. I really enjoyed it and I learned a lot from using it.

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Nice looking application. I didn't use it before but yeah tweeting quotes and motivational quotes is the way to get more attention on Twitter and probably get more followers like many other users, and specially like Tim Fargo, founder of Tweet Jukebox which is well known tweetologist on Twitter for some years. We are following each other and i never know about TJ but i have seen so many nice posts tweeted by him.
I am going to try this free cute tool. Thank you for sharing this info with us Tweet Jukebox is a nifty free tool for Twitter!

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Oh yes Anwebservices Tweet Jukebox is Tim Fargo's baby! I am also following him on Twitter.

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