
Is PR (PageRank) still essential for our SEO efforts?

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Is PR (PageRank) still essential for our SEO efforts?

Is PR (PageRank) still essential for our SEO efforts? Can anyone please enlighten me on this?


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Page rank is always a good thing, but it is not the end all for SEO.
Quality content and backlinks will always win out over page rank when it comes to rankings.

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I don't think it is, no. It is just another number like alexa that is not useful IMO.

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yes it is must to our sites due to this u will boost your website in terms of ranking

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I have read in several discussions that Page Rank in Google is not anymore a factor with the SEO capability of the website. It is like Google had stopped using the Page Rank for the evaluation of the links that will be included in the search list. However, if the Page Rank is good then that can still serve as inspiration to the website owner to continue the SEO work that he has been doing.

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