
What are the popular way to optimize our forums on Google and other search engines?

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What are the popular way to optimize our forums on Google and other search engines?

What are the popular way to optimize our forums on Google and other search engines?


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The popular way to place your forum on Google search engine to do white hat SEO programming for your website. White hat SEO includes on page and off page optimization. Secondly you need to do keyword optimization. Important keyword selection and meta tag analyzation will generate 85% traffic for you. Good back link and link building policies will increase your forum positions on search engines result page and also increase your forum page rank in this world.


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Optimizing forums is just the same as other types of website. First is the contents. When your forum is dynamic with new discussions every day and new comments on those new discussions then that is a big plus for the SEO capability. And when you create a thread in your forum, require keywords or tagging so that you can also have some points for the SEO of your forum. And when you spread your backlinks to other sites, that can also earn you some points for the SEO capability of your forum.

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