Seocheckout is apparently reducing it's workforce by 28% and focusing more on SEO

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Firing 28% of your employees, or laying off as the higher ups will want it put, is a pretty big move for Moz. The best thing is that the CEO of Moz, Sarah Bird, said that they will be helping the 28% of people find their next positions so that they aren't just left high and dry.

There are currently 220 people working for so that means they will be letting go of around 61 or 62 people leaving them with 158 to 159 employees. I wonder if will be able to function the same way after letting go of so many people.

If is focusing more on SEO now and can let go of so many people, what were those people doing in the first place that they were so easily let go? I would assume they're more of an offline sector that focused on events and outings to bring in bigger clients and not in the online marketing sector which consists of SEO and other things.

Some people say that "SEO is Dead!" but that's not true at all. The ones who say it's dead are the ones who can't hack it online is apparently reducing it Moz understands the power of SEO and if such a large company is focusing more on the SEO side of things, shouldn't we all? They have teams of people who focus on this and I'm sure they're some of the "best of the best" in the world. I'm not saying to be a follower, but I am telling everyone not to be stubborn and watch what the bigger companies are doing because they can usually spot trends and other hot topics before we can because they have 10+ people doing the same thing and we're lone rangers usually is apparently reducing it

What do you guys and girls think about this?
Is it the right move to lay off 28% of their staff and focus more on SEO?




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I don't really trust Sarah Bird as fully functional CEO of Moz. Rand Fishkin may still be the man running everything from the shadows, at least I hope so...
Having 220 people working at Moz was pretty crazy, don't really see why they need all those people, they do offer a number of services but I still think the number is too big.
The people they are actually firing are probably non-core assets that handled certain areas where Moz wanted to expand but eventually decided to remain SEO focused and this is the result.

On the other hand, helping those people find work is something really cool for a company to do!

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That is quite a drastic move reducing your company's staff by almost a third! I am sure Moz knows what they are doing and like Mike has already said I doubt anyone that gets retrenched from Moz will have a problem finding another job or going it along in whatever they want to do.

On the subject of people claiming SEO is dead... well if that were true surely we would all be a little bit of trouble right? My main focus with my websites is SEO, I can promise you that SEO is not dead at all. Yes I hire a few specialists every now and then to do some SEO work that is beyond my skills level but mostly I do my own SEO... I can see how it is so not dead.

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If you can drive more sales through SEO, then there is no point in having "un wanted staff" and incurring a heavy operational cost. Therefore, I don;t see any people in this. However, kicking out the people who had worked day and night to make your business success is also not a right thing to do. If the Moz is already trying to place these laid off staffs on other jobs than reducing the workforce is justified.
I don't see SEO being dead, not until the search engines exist.

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The title of this discussion is like an advertisement for SEO methods. But I have to agree that SEO is getting to be a big industry. One SEO specialist said that the pasture is there, a vast pasture considering the blogs, forums, and not to forget social media. With that many people who are prospective searchers, I guess SEO will really be a good investment for website owners.

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I will never understand why people keep saying SEO is dead. Search engines aren't dead! It's a digital tool. And like all tools, there has to be an optimal way to use it to get the most out of it. Hence the term "search engine optimization". Maybe if people said "It's the end of SEO as we know it", people wouldn't go bonkers! As for Moz? If they made a drastic move like that, I'll read their "handwriting on the wall" and take that to mean SEO IS NOT DEAD!!

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