
Who can edit Wikipedia?

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Who can edit Wikipedia?

Sometimes Wikipedia contains inaccurate information but won't allow you to edit. How can you edit a Wikipedia article without them getting notice?


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Anyone with Internet access can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles. I only know of a few cases where Wikipedia will lock a article down and only allow a few people to edit it, other than that wiki is not to be relied on or trusted for information. They even say it on the website lol!
It is in the nature of an open collaboration and work-in-progress like Wikipedia that quality may vary over time, and from article to article. While some articles are of the highest quality of scholarship, others are admittedly complete rubbish. Also, since Wikipedia can be edited by almost anyone anytime, articles may be prone to errors, including vandalism. So please do not use Wikipedia to make critical decisions. This encyclopedia is especially useful for improving familiarity with a subject and its jargon, and for learning search terms with which to further explore a subject beyond Wikipedia. Helpful external links are also provided to assist you in learning more.

Here is the link below

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Oh I didn't even know you could edit articles on Wikipedia. How exactly does all this work?

Can anyone submit an article to Wikipedia then?

I heard that Wiki links are really awesome links to have, how then can one take advantage of editing an article to get a Wikipedia link?

I can certainly see now Jkeyz2 why Wikipedia says that they are not to be trusted. I kinda looked at Wikipedia as a place that like an encyclopedia - where everything was fact. So this honestly comes as a bit of a surprise to me.

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90% of the time is is accurate but you can't rely on it completely. It is an encyclopedia but one anyone can add to and edit.

To answer your questions how it works. Yes anyone can submit an article if it "is of public interest" and if the ip address is not on the banned list (someone in past messed stuff up then your internet provider sadly passed the ip address to you) once submitted someone at Wikipedia has to approve it to make sure it is worthy enough.

Anyway, on the top right on 80%+ on articles you have a search bar. To the left of this there is 3 tabs. Read (the default one) the n you have edit button, and view history.

Edit you can change anything. View history you can see every change ever made. (if you land Wikipedia on click on random article you should see if on almost every one)

How to create:
I've not done it in a while but Im sure on the main page at least (it might be on every page) on the left menu somewhere there's, it's either called submit or upload button. Can't check right now as I'm on my mobile and the mobile site does not show the menu.

On the top right above the search and edit tabs I mentioned you also have "my contributions" button next to "your not signed in" (or your name if you are) which lists everything you have edited or added.

Especially if you have an account it saves all the edits and updates you have done. But it can show updates your ip address has done (sadly inaccurate as ip address aren't always static/they change randomly overtime)

(also the reason many dont know is not everyone has time to scroll to the very bottom to a tiny link that's called disclaimer. Which is what the jkeyz2 quoted)

That said, Wikipedia usually lock articles that idiotic people attack (keep editing for "fun" or just being a troll)

Luckily the site and most articles is user often so someone who knows the topic can edit it back and report the wrong edits which Wikipedia looks into and blocks the user or ip who messed it up.

Sorry for lengthy reply but I hope this helps answer how it works!

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Oh no, I am always happy to get a lengthy reply back when I ask a question, unlike some people here that ask a question and then tells people that reply that their answers are not appreciated... I just can't quite figure that mentality out!

Cool, so this means I can possibly add creating content on Wikipedia to my list of ways to build authority and backlinks...hmmm.

I am sure that this won't exactly be an easy thing to do but it might be worthwhile looking into. I couldn't figure out how people got Wiki I can see how.

Once again my mind is whirling with ideas.

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Most of the articles placed on Wikipedia are quite hard to edit considering that they've got some protection from inappropriate editing. So, all you've got to do is simply to send an edit request on the said article.

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