
Primer App: Fun Interactive Marketing Lessons from Google on Your Mobile

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Primer App: Fun Interactive Marketing Lessons from Google on Your Mobile

The Primer app is a new free app from Google that will help you to learn about all things related to Marketing. From Email Marketing to Content Creation, SEO/SMO etc, branding, storytelling, remarketing, and ad buying. Basically, everything a marketer needs to be successful!

The app itself is very fun to use. It gives you lessons that you can learn in a "hands-on" mode. You'll be presented with four different categories at first from advertising to content, measurement and strategy. Once you choose which ever one you want, you'll be presented with tiles which, once you've read, you can swipe off the screen. It's very interactive and fun to use. The bite-sized lessons it gives you are very easy to understand and its interactive activities will help you learn concepts quickly.

I downloaded and installed the app myself last night and have learned a thing or two about Email Marketing as that was the section I chose first. What I learned was there are 4 different things to take into consideration about Email Marketing. These 4 things were Open Rate, CTR, Unsubscribe Rate and Response Rate. However only 2 of them are what you should be looking at. The CTR and Response rate. Get these right and you don't even need to look at your open rate or unsubscribe rate. But that's just an example of some of the lessons it teaches you.

Here's a look at some of the pages and screens in the app that I screenshot on my phone last night.

The Getting Started part.
Primer App: Fun Interactive Marketing Lessons from Google on Your Mobile
The Featured Lessons part.
Primer App: Fun Interactive Marketing Lessons from Google on Your Mobile
A lesson.
Primer App: Fun Interactive Marketing Lessons from Google on Your Mobile
These screenshot pictures of the app don't really do it justice though. But it's a free app so there is nothing to loose in downloading and installing it on your phone. The app can be installed on both iOS and Android phones respectively. And while some of these lessons might be like sucking eggs to some of you! It might prove to be very helpful for some our lesser experienced users here and those that want to learn about all things to do with Marketing in a fun and interactive way.

Oh as it turns out, this isn't a new app. I found a video from last year about it. It's not in English but the app itself is and sort of shows how it work.

To download the app and find out more, visit the Primer site

Hope you find it useful! Primer App: Fun Interactive Marketing Lessons from Google on Your Mobile


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Oh this looks awesome Mike, thanks so much for sharing about this Primer app. I love learning new things about online marketing and yes perhaps I might already know a lot of the things that this app features but I often find that when I go through training on things I already know about there is often something small here and there that I pick up that I never knew before.

It never hurts to expand on your knowledge and to keep on learning. I like the fact it is an app so I can use time that would otherwise be wasted while I am out better. For example if I am waiting for a doctor's appointment I can catch up with some lessons. I am so going to try this out!

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