
Can I use Google Adsense along with INFOLINKS?

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Can I use Google Adsense along with INFOLINKS?

Can I use Google Adsense along with INFOLINKS?
More monetization, much better, right?


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Well after the approval of adsense, you can use infolinks along with adsense

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When you are applying for adsense, you cannot have any ads on your website. Adsense will reject the website where there are ads already. However, after you have adsense and begin to use on your website, you can use other ad networks, including infolinks, along side adsense.

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I think @vinaya is right that Google Adsense will not approve your application if your site already has existing ads. Take note that Adsense wants to have control of your web pages in exchange for the sharing in the revenue of the ads. If Adsense will not have that full control then I guess it will not give you an approval. But I guess you can try adding Infolinks to your site when you are already earning with Adsense for a time.

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